"God Loves Sinners" - Wits UBF Holds A Spring Conf. (Sept. 28-30, 2018), SOUTH AFRICA

  • by WMD
  • Oct 30, 2018
  • 989 reads



WITS UBF held a Spring Bible Conference from 28-30 September 2018 at Heronbridge College; a beautiful and most suitable venue for God to reveal His love for sinners.  God sent 54 attendants: 40 from Wits, 4 from Lesotho, 1 from Potchefstroom University, and 9 CBF children.

Shepherd Daniel Rhee began proceedings on Friday night with an opening message based on Luke 9:48 and entitled “A Welcoming Spirit.” Through this message, we were encouraged to welcome each other, welcome the word of God and welcome our current life circumstances. With this, God created a good spiritual environment among all the attendance. The scene was set to meaningfully engage with God’s word during the group studies, listening to the messages and writing personal bible testimonies.

During the conference, we studied two passages. On Friday night we studied Matthew 27:32-62 followed up by Luke 7:36-50 on Saturday morning. The group studies were led by three shepherds, Lesedi, Desmond, Christiaan, and three sisters, Lebo, Moloko, and Becca. We thank God for blessing all the group studies through which everyone realized and understood just how much God loves sinners. This was reemphasized through the messages that were delivered on Saturday morning and afternoon. The first message was based on Matthew 27:32-44, titled “Jesus suffered for our sins” with verse 35 as the key verse. And was delivered by b. Comfort. While preparing his message his laptop was stolen and he also had a newborn child. He shared in his message that he nearly quit preparing conference message because he was struggling to support both families and catch up with workload since he had lost all his work material from his laptop. However, through Jesus suffering he could struggle to prepare the message and was even encouraged to grow as a bible teacher one day. We could learn practically that Jesus suffered for our sins so we can be freed and live a purposeful life for God. B. Thabo delivered the second message based on Luke 27:45-56 titled, “Jesus was forsaken for our sins”, with verse 46 as the key verse. Brother Thabo shared in his message how he lost a loved one and how the death of loved one caused him to fall into despair. It was as though God had forsaken him. However, through the bible passage and message preparation, he could be reminded of God’s love for sinners. That Jesus was forsaken on the cross so that we may not be forsaken. Through his message, we learned that God indeed loves sinners and will not forsake anyone who comes to him in repentance.  

The third message was delivered by brother Rapelang based on Luke 7: 36-42, titled “Jesus loves a sinful woman” with verse 38 as the key verse. Through this message, God showed us just how much Jesus loved the sinful woman. Jesus allowed her to approach him, weep on him, wipe his feet with her hair, kiss his feet and pour perfume on them. Jesus did not stop her for one moment, but completely welcomed and embraced her. Jesus’ love for sinners left Rapelang in awe. He could hardly believe that despite the many sins hidden in his heart, Jesus still warmly loves and welcomes him. Indeed, Jesus suffered and died for us on the cross to make atonement for our sins. And now, He welcomes and forgives anyone who comes to Him; just like the sinful woman. The fourth message was delivered by shepherd Donald based on Luke 7:42-50 with key verse 47. Through this message, we learned that those who experience Jesus’ love through the forgiveness of sin, will naturally and automatically love Jesus in return. Shepherd Donald realized that forgiveness of sin is not something theoretical that leaves sinners unchanged. Instead, God’s love expressed through the forgiveness of sin is powerful and transform a sinner’s heart to deeply and sincerely love Jesus.

The last message was based on Jeremiah 1:1-10 titled “God’s intervention in Jeremiah’s life” delivered on Sunday by brother Katlego. Through this message, he could experience God’s intervention in his life. He could truly discover that only God can grant him a meaningful life purpose. He also could overcome the thinking that because of his sins, he is not suitable to be a servant of God. Through this message, he could learn that before he was born God had already appointed him as his precious servant. Brother Trevor also shared his testimonial message, through this preparation he could reflect on God who intervened and worked in his life, how God used his life to serve as Wits UBF club leader on campus for his glory. He is now looking forward with excitement to be used more by God.  

On Saturday night, after the group studies and messages, everyone participated in writing personal testimonies. These testimonies were shared on Sunday morning in the respective fellowships.

There are several reasons why this conference was especially a memorable one. It was the first time that each message were delivered by two messengers. It was the first time that three local shepherds oversaw the preparations of the messages. It was the first time that brother Katlego, who has been in the ministry for 10 years, delivered a graceful and clear message. It was also the first time, to include in the program a special lecture followed by a question and answer session. On this occasion, shepherd Desmond and Christiaan presented a special lecture on the spiritual meaning of tithing and the attitude behind offering based on Genesis 14 and 2 Corinthians 8:1-9 respectively. Lesedi presided over the proceedings. Another reason why this conference is especially a memorable one was the fact that Missionary Jacob for the first time officially opened talks with shepherd Lesedi, Desmond and Christiaan about handing over the leadership to them. Although there are many uncertainties about exactly how to handover the leadership and what the necessary changes in the ministry will be; the discussion on Saturday night was meaningful and encouraging.  

Prayer topics:

  1. A graceful and God-honoring transition of leadership from Missionary Jacob to shepherd Lesedi, Desmond, and Christiaan.

  2. Luke gospel study & Sunday messengers, Jacob, Christiaan, Desmond, and Lesedi

  3. God to establish house churches for his glory

  4. Shepherd Christiaan and Sarah to have a child

  5. God to grant Missionary Matthew permanent residence in South Africa