“Jeroboam Made Two Golden Calves” - 2018 Korea UBF Autumn Staff Conference News (Oct 15-17, 2018), KOREA

  • by WMD
  • Oct 29, 2018
  • 636 reads


On Oct 15-17 Korea UBF held its autumn staff conference for fall campus ministry with the title “In the eyes of the Lord” at Mungyeong Saejae Resort in Korea.

The conference started with a GBS titled, “Jeroboam made two golden calves” on 1 Kings 12:1-14:20. In order to satisfy his political desires, King Jeroboam corrupted the worship of Jehovah by instituting golden calves as objects of divine adoration. In this way, he led the people of Israel astray, into the path of destruction. Through the GBS we learned that we should not be like King Jeroboam but we should stand firm in the gospel faith and lead God’s flocks to God himself as spiritual leaders for this generation.

After having dinner fellowship there, a special lecture “True worship in accordance with the Bible” was given by Professor Sang Gu Kim (Graduate School of Baekseok University), followed by Dr. Augustine Sohn’s (Chicago, USA) graceful testimony.

The second day we all went hiking through the forest and mountain of Mungyeong Saejae.

The morning of the third day, we studied “In the eyes of the Lord” on 1 Kings 14:21-16:34. Most of the kings of Israel after king Jeroboam did not abandon the sins of Jeroboam, which led the people of Israel into a miserable destruction. Jeroboam was a bad example of faith, which corrupted the worship of the Lord, and made a bad tradition of insulting God among Israelites, leading to their miserable destruction.

Israel’s history in 1 Kings taught us that we must live right in the eyes of the Lord in accordance with the Bible and practice gospel faith no matter what.

At the end, we had a staff meeting and finished with a prayer for Korea and world mission.

John Park (Purser Department)