Colombo & Kotte UBF Joint Summer Bible Camp (Sept. 22-24, 2018), SRI LANKA

  • by WMD
  • Oct 16, 2018
  • 771 reads


Luke Jeon

We thank God for blessing our 2018 Colombo & Kotte UBF joint English Bible Camp (EBC) with the title, “You Will Be a Blessing,” on Sep.22-24 at Athurugiriya. God heard our earnest prayer for 30 attendees and sent 32 to the camp by his marvelous grace. The camp was full of forgiveness of sins and the grace of salvation through Luke’s gospel messages. We really thank God for his wonderful grace upon all the attendees, and for the intercessory prayer support of many servants of God throughout the world.  

The first day, the opening message, “You Will Be a Blessing” (Gen 12:1-3) was gracefully given by Nelson (M. Barnabas Baek’s second son). Through the message,  he boldly testified to Jesus who called him to be a source of blessing for this generation, and who gave him great victory to get accepted to both Yonsei and Korea Universities in Korea. He also served GBS for the second gens and music and other things as well. Then Sh. Barnabas Ham (Kyounsung1) opened all the hearts of the newcomers through his graceful life testimony sharing at the meeting.

The evening message, “The Father’s Great Love” (Luke 15) was powerfully delivered by Sh. Gideon. He revealed well God’s great love based on his experience of God’s great love in his life like that of the prodigal son. He also brought a nursing student to the conference by God’s grace.

On the second day Sunday morning, Sh. Pauline gave a message, “Friend, Your Sins are Forgiven”(Luke 7). She boldly testified about the authority of Jesus’ forgiveness that made her whole after hearing the words, “Get up, take your mat and go home” through the Bible study with her aunt, since she had been lying like a paralytic due to her sins. Sh. Hyunjun Shin (Kyoungsung1) then shared a graceful life testimony, followed by GBS and testimony writing and sharing.

The evening message, “ Father, Forgive them!”(Luke 23) was delivered gracefully by Ruth. She revealed Jesus’ forgiving love for the robber on the cross and for all sinners of the world, and that forgiving love came upon her which made her a witness of Jesus’ forgiving love. Her mother also was saved and became a witness of Jesus after having Bible study with her. This was followed by Sh. Elizabeth Lee’s graceful testimony (Kyoungsung1) and then joyful dinner fellowship altogether.

The third day morning began with joyful praise and rhythm, giving glory to God, followed by GBS in groups, and reflection writing and sharing in groups, including the newcomers.

Afterward, M. Luke Jun delivered the closing message with power and authority, “But Seek His Kingdom” (Luke 12) as a direction for us all in serving fall semester ministry. We thank God for renewing all attendees’ heart’s desire to seek first his kingdom and righteousness through the messages.

Again we praise and thank God for enabling us to have such a graceful conference full of grace and truth and calling us out of a cursed life into a blessed life in the forgiving love of Jesus for this 2-day/3-night conference.  Especially we praise and thank God for restoring Sh. Abraham Pradip’s family who returned back to God through the conference after he had deserted to the world. He is an ancestor of faith in Sri Lanka UBF.

Again we really thank God for all the servants of God throughout the world who bore their intercessory prayer for Sri Lanka UBF.

Luke Jeon