2018 Hanyang 1,2,3, Ansan UBF(Korea) Joint SBC Report

  • by WMD
  • Sep 07, 2018
  • 699 reads

“Jesus did not let him, but said, “Go home to your own people and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you.”(Mark 5:19)

On July 19-21 Hanyang 1,2,3, Ansan UBF held its joint Summer Bible conference at En Kerem training center in Ansan, Korea. All 145 people including 21 Bible students (8 freshmen), and 27 missionaries & second gens, native shepherds from 5 nations.

Through the conference, we learned about the most salient thing that Jesus has done that he died on the cross and rose again from the dead to take away the sin of the world and to take away all our sin as well.

It was planned by God long ago and finished by Jesus and the truth of the cross guides to each of us by the Holy Spirit. Such a wonderful thing Jesus has done on the cross also revealed us and touched us through our messengers during the conference.  They are Moses Kim jr ( Sophomore-Chinese Literature), Junsu Park (Sophomore –Economy), Insu Lee (Sophomore –Business Administration), Mari Kang (Sophomore – Business Administration), Joy Lim (Sophomore –Food and Nutrition), Hyungjun Jeong (Junior – Machinery), Elijah Baek (Graduate), Abraham Lee (Graduate). They all prepared their messages with all their hearts and delivered them well. There 27 who accepted Jesus’ grace of forgiveness, confessed Jesus as their personal savior through their beautiful & sincere life testimonies and representative testimonies at the meeting. Among them, 10 were baptized.

We really thank and praise God for richly blessing our conference with full of grace and truth. We especially thank God that our student ministry leadership succeeded Sh. Moses Kim jr from Sh. Paul Lee that made the student ministry new beginning with Sh. Moses Kim jr centered in this fall semester.

The sophomore group students hosted of all the conference programs taking care of freshmen as well. The sophomore and freshmen also have been good co-working together in serving music band, dancing, drama, special songs and praise that made them one in Jesus’ love.  The freshmen also willingly served six programs by themselves.

Especially we thank God for Sh. Paul Lee and Sh. Sarah Sohn’s full devotion to the conference. Again we praise and thank God for answering our 40-day early morning prayers for the conference that made the conference full of grace and truth, revealing Jesus who has done a great thing on the cross through the messengers.

Joshua Lee