Hannah Lee, a 2nd gen Short Term missionary from Zimbabwe, Africa to Peru, Latin America (Efrain)

  • by WMD
  • Sep 05, 2018
  • 722 reads

Hannah Lee's university had a program with the University of San Pablo here in Arequipa, Peru. We learned our missionaries in Zimbabwe have been faithful in serving Zimbabwe students, even the situation has not been easy for many years. This encouraged us to continue to serve God's work here in Peru until the end. In the past, we only used to think and pray for this part of the world. Now we realized that our UBF family is big not only on this continent of South America but also in Africa, Korea, and other continents. We realized that we are a great family in the world and we have a single father who is our God and Lord Jesus. Our brothers and sisters of UBF Peru received her as a sister in the Lord. Mrs. Margarita took care of her as her daughter. Shepherdess Katy took care of her as her sister. We also learned that even if we are a small chapter, we can receive short-term missionaries and serve them. Now Peru UBF is ready to receive short-term missionaries from other continents. We want to welcome all of them. We pray God's kingdom come.