Puerto Rico had its First Bible Conference July 14-15, PUERTO RICO

  • by WMD
  • Jul 18, 2018
  • 619 reads

Carlos and Elisa, Elizabeth (10), Elimy (6)

Carlos moved from Puerto Rico to Chicago when he was 18 years old. His father, a life long fisherman, wanted him to be a fisherman too. Once he went fishing he brought fish to be sold for more than $100 for one night's catch. Carlos instead became a fisher of men. At first he lived like a prodigal son. He became addicted to alcohol and drugs, ruining his youth. Elisa helped him attend a drug addicts' recovery program. Triton UBF (Teddy and Liz Hembekides) sent him to Chicago NEIU ministry under Dr. Joseph Chung's care for 3 years. Carlos found Jesus and returned to his eternal Father. He married Elisa and has been serving as one of 4 Sunday messengers since 5 years ago in the Spanish Sunday Worship Service. Whenever he visited Puerto Rico once or twice a year for 2-4 weeks, he tried to study the Bible with cousins and nephews of college ages as well as other families. Now he and Elisa dared to have the first Bible Conference on 7/14 (Sat).-7/15(Sun). He delivered a message on Luke 15 with 12 members altogether. Elisa shared her Life Testimony. Please pray for him to be a fisher of men and a mustard seed that bears fruit 30, 60 and 100 times in Puerto Rico making many Puerto Rican missionaries.