A Letter from Uganda to Missionary Grace A Lee, UGANDA

  • by WMD
  • Jun 29, 2018
  • 953 reads

Dear Missionary Grace Lee, with love and respect in the Lord Jesus Christ, greetings; May the grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ be with you all the time. 

Thank you for sending the news and prayer topics in details. Thank you also for your prayer support for Uganda campus ministry and Bethesda Mission Hospital.

We thank you for your prayer and love for my daughter Faith and my son Joseph Lim for their marriages. Both of them left home in their young ages, spending 6 years in Kenya and 4 years in the United States. Missionary Rebecca and I have lived in Uganda for a long time and now we are relieved to see that God has established two house churches in Chicago. As parents, we have not done much for them but pray. I thank God for taking care of his own children, spiritually nurturing and leading them through many coworkers, beginning with you.

I believe that our Father God has laid a foundation of God’s work in Uganda through love and prayers and sacrifice of our coworkers. Now, based on this foundation, it seems to be growing a step higher and has begun to bear fruit. So we have hope and joy in God.

Shepherd Steven Ssebbale attended the ISBC messenger’s camp in Chicago last week and returned safely here on Tuesday. Though I heard the program was very tight, I thank God and servants of God for offering such a great learning experience for the messengers. Despite being tired from a long journey taking almost a day and a half, that evening he came directly from the airport to attend the leader’s Bible study. This encouraged coworkers.

Thank God again for sending second gen. short term missionaries to Uganda from UBF USA this year who served our ministry and Bethesda Hospital works. They are David Won Jr, Joy Ahn, and Andy, a medical student studying from Hydepark's UBF. At the end of May, Esther Cheng of Tempe, Arizona visited us. In early June, IIT's Bob
Henkins and Junmo Kown came; they have a plan to visit Rwanda. It is a poor environment here compared with that of America, yet I am grateful that it has been a valuable time to experience African culture and learn about African missions. Not even one word of complaints was ever heard from them and they were not afraid of tropical illnesses such as malaria.

In the second half of this year, two more second generations from Korea and Germany plan to visit Uganda. Please pray that Uganda UBF may continue to have the mindset to raise future spiritual leaders, to fulfill the role of an exemplary mission center, and to practice God’s love.

Our Campus ministry is dedicated to help brothers and sisters in Kampala with Bible studies and other subjects so that they may serve their own villages during school break. For that purpose I invited missionaries and shepherds to train them.

We are also praying for the construction of the Makerere UBF Bible house. I am meeting with an architect to purchase a 0.24 acre site facing the fence of Makerere University. There are six subcommittees (prayer, finance, publicity & fundraising, physical structure, legal, oversight & secretariat), with Ugandan leaders serving as chairpersons of each subcommittee. Missionaries are supporting and advising them to pray and serve to build. We pray that our coworkers will be united with each other through the construction so that spiritual revival may also come. Please pray for us to experience the power of God and prayer. 

We pray that God may promote missionaries' health so that they will be used as prayer servants and Bible teachers extensively in the expansion of God's kingdom and the work of world missions. I have improved my physical strength through playing tennis that Missionary Joseph Chung started when he came to Uganda. Playing tennis together not only improves health but also promotes spiritual unity. Two years ago, I got hyperthyroidism and it was hard for a while, but I took medicine everyday and regularly tested the thyroid function and it is now under control.

I heard that the weather in Chicago changes often. I pray that God may give you necessary health and strength this summer and year round. I look forward to seeing you at the 2018 ISBC in August. I will continue to share your prayer topics and news from around the world, and I will try to keep you informed. 

Thank you, 

Missionary Luke Lim from Uganda