Moscow UBF is Encouraged and Strengthened by God's Salvation Work throughout Church History, RUSSIA

  • by WMD
  • Jun 28, 2018
  • 872 reads


“History’s contribution is to give us a vision of God’s creative activity on a frame which in our human experience of it…if we have been right in seeing in History’s a vision of God’s creation on the move, from God its source towards God its goal we shall not be surprised to find…” (A.Toynbee, the British Historian) 

In the beginning of 2018 when we discussed the year’s plan and development of our youth ministry, our 2nd gens expressed their desire not only to study the Bible but know something about religion including Christianity. It was because they constantly have contact with Orthodox and Muslim believers. They did not know the difference between Christian confessions and denominations. We heard our old friend Msn. Dr. Paul Chung had shared special lectures about the Church’s History and we really wanted to invite him to Moscow UBF. Thank God for giving us the opportunity to organize these lectures. 

Dr. Paul Chung came to Moscow May 13 and during the week he shared his lectures 5 times. The themes were “The Early Church (30-313)” and “The Christian Empire (313-500)”. Through the lectures all our coworkers discovered how little we know about the first Church Fathers, about their faith and dedication to Jesus. We learned about apologists who defended Christianity even though it cost their lives, and about many persecutions of early believers and the victory of Christianity in 321. Dr. Paul Chung showed us God’s wisdom and His Sovereignty through the Church’s history. We also had some comparative analysis of Catholicism, Orthodoxy and Protestantism. All coworkers had a great interest. 

Dr.Paul Chung also told us about UBF history and our future vision. Our church is very young compared to old churches. However, God richly blessed the faith of our ancestors, the first generation. They served and spread the Gospel around the world among college students so bravely. They laid the foundation for our ministry. The purpose is for the next generation to take the baton and continue UBF ministry. Through Church history we clearly understand that each generation has it's own purpose. We should pray for “our apologists” among 2nd gens to be raised like the apologists in the 2nd century.
History always helps us know God’s ways and be encouraged and strengthened for God’s salvation work. 

Russia has 1000-years history of the Orthodox Church. We have the Christian culture. So many people have a huge pride about the national history. We have a proverb: if you don’t want to study your own history, we will study foreign history. However, so many young people live only in modern time as pleasure-seekers. We thank God for our 2nd gens who have a desire to know God and grow in Jesus. We pray for them as the next UBF generation.