"All of Them were Filled with the Holy Spirit" - Korea UBF National World Mission Directors and Treasures Meeting, KOREA

  • by WMD
  • Jun 14, 2018
  • 798 reads

“All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.”(Acts 2:4) 

The Korea UBF World Mission Directors and Treasures Meeting was held on May 26 at Jongro UBF center in Seoul. The number of attendees was 93 from Korea nationwide. The meeting started at 10:30 am with GBS based on Acts 2 “All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit”.

After taking lunch fellowship, M. Samuel H Lee who had served Zimbabwe UBF ministry for about six years as a silver missionary, gave us a special lecture titled “Moravian mission & UBF mission”. His lecture, filled with passion for Christ, moved all attendees, arousing their passion for world mission.

Afterward there was a preview presentation of the two lectures before the ISBC which will be delivered by Korean staffs shepherds at the ISBC interest group sessions: They were Sh. Daniel Byeon “Raising student disciples” and Sh. Elijah Moon “Jewish education of their children”. It was very informative and joyful for us all.

At the end there was a treasurers training session regarding the religious tax since the Korean Government issued the law.

In light of the word in Acts 2:4, When we are filled with the Holy Spirit we will be courageous and confident overcoming all limitations as powerful witnesses of Jesus Christ. In the Holy Spirit sons and daughters will prophesy,our young men will see visions, our old men will dream dreams.

We pray that all UBF second gens, young and old people who will gather together at ISBC throughout the world may be filled with the Holy Spirit and world mission vision for his name sake.

Caleb Kim (Korea UBF World Mission Department)