M. Joseph Song's Funeral Reflects his Faith in God and Love for Ministry Brothers and Sisters, C NATION

  • by WMD
  • May 24, 2018
  • 944 reads

By Elisha Kim

“Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.” (John 12:24)

Before M. Joseph Song's departure, about two weeks ago, he requested us to come visit him. As his home church leader, I went to visit him along with Luke Lee (Sangdo UBF). At that time he asked us for two things: First, to have his funeral ceremony at his mission land. When I asked him for the reason he boldly said that He would like to have his funeral service with all the brothers and sisters in his ministry and be buried at the mission land. We were greatly moved by his faith in God and his full extended love for the brothers and sisters in his ministry, while he was enduring the extreme pain of cancer. Second, to help his two children attend college in Korea and to be educated in faith so that they may follow in the footsteps of his faith.

According to his will, his funeral service was full of Spirit that included many brothers and sisters, and was conducted by a pastor from an underground church in the nation. He was seen off by many brothers and sisters and went to be with the Lord. While the service was in progress, though I could not understand their language, I felt that the place was full of the Holy Spirit and all the attendees were full of resurrection faith as well. One of his daughters shared her graceful testimony that God had sent her father to the land from Korea to save the people and brought many to be saved in the Lord. She also made a decision to be a Gospel seed following the footsteps of her father’s faith.

During the funeral service I asked God, “Lord, why did you take him up so early for he is still young and he has yet to do more?” In my mind God answered with one word: “Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds” (John 12:24). Indeed, Jesus bore more fruit after his death and resurrection than when he was alive on earth as a dying kernel of wheat. There were also more fruits after the martyrs who followed Jesus Christ.

Surely M. Joseph became a dying kernel of wheat for C nation. I believe he will bear more fruit than when he was alive on earth through the rest of his family and his Bible students.

At the end of the funeral service I was asked to be a prayer servant and I earnestly prayed that God may bring much fruit of salvation in C nation after M. Joseph’s death as a kernel of wheat.

Elisha Kim (Namsan UBF)