Urgent Prayer Request from Mongolia for Jooyong Kim's (16) Surgery of His Two Ankles after a Severe Car Accident, MONGOLIA

  • by WMD
  • May 14, 2018
  • 813 reads

Mongolian UBF second gen, Jooyong Kim (age 16) had a car accident on May 6. He is the son of M. Yousin Kim who has been serving Mongolian UBF ministry for more than 20 years. He was hit by a truck and his two ankles were knocked down by its rear tires. He was transferred to Korea University Medical Center because his injury was too severe and Mongolian doctors could not help this. There he underwent primary surgery on May 8th. He also has to undergo second and third surgeries. 

His left ankle is scheduled for a second surgery on May 23 but his right ankle has not yet been scheduled for surgery because it is too complicated to do it. 

He needs your prayer support :
1. The other parts of his bones around the ankles to not be infected.
2. He may get a skin graft well.
3. May all operations be successful and he be restored well by God's grace.

May the Lord comfort M. Yousin Kim's family and provide them necessary materials for the treatment. 

Matthew Lim from Mongolia