God Blessed Podil UBF Spring Bible Conference, "What Is Faith?", UKRAINE

  • by WMD
  • May 01, 2018
  • 811 reads

Podil UBF Spring Bible Conference Report 2018


Maria Peace 

God bless our Bible Conference. Though many of our students had exams before and after the conference, many came by faith, about 13. This conference was about What Faith is. Those who came experienced it. Please pray for them to pass their exams this week. Vlad a 2nd year student of Economics in KMA gave the message on the life of Moses. It was the first time that he ever gave a message and we were moved by it. It was powerful because he himself sincerely accepted the word of God. God poured out his Spirit upon us from the beginning to the end. Thank you for all your prayers for us. Two of our sisters were baptized. We prayed for 25 to come and 27 came. Esther Nett from Germany came and she led our Inductive Bible study and trained the Group Bible Leaders as well.