God Renewed Our Hearts through 2018 Easter Conference, "I am the Good Shepherd." (Mexico City UBF), MEXICO

  • by WMD
  • Apr 17, 2018
  • 948 reads


Shepherd Raúl Muñoz

Our Easter Bible Conference was titled: “Jesus the Good Shepherd.” It was held from March 29th to April 1st at Country Saint Mary Club located in Tlalmanalco, Estado de Mexico. This place is close to the city just 1:20 minutes and is very nice. We could almost touch the Iztaccihuatl volcano, because it looked very close. In total, 199 people attended, including from Cuautitlán Izcalli 5, Querétaro 3, from Politécnico (IPN) 9 and Acatlán 24. At the same time the second-generation conference and CBF conference were developed.

The opening message was delivered by Shepherd Hugo. We learned that Jesus gives us the living water that quenches all the thirst of our heart. At night, we heard the message about a man born blind by Shepherd Enrique.  We gave many thanks to God because he is our true father who is waiting with open arms to us that we are his prodigal sons. Friday morning through the message of Shepherd David we learned as the blind Bartimaeus cries the mercy of Jesus, and he seeing his faith saved him. So, we recognized how important it is that God always has mercy on us. In the central message, Shepherdess Carolina from Acatlán preached as a man of a dry hand, had to extend it in order to be healed. We learnd that we must extend our dry hand  so that our heart is restored to the love of Jesus. At the message of the night on John 10 by Shepherd Alejandro Lopez we met that Jesus is our good shepherd who guides our life by the best way and who knows us by our personal name. The third day in the morning we heard the message by Shepherd Caleb  about ten lepers who were cured, but only one return to thank Jesus, we learned that to thank is something natural and God blesses who knows how to thank him. The central message was Luke 23, which was preached by Shepherd Luis Angel, we learned how much Jesus loved us until he gave his precious life on the cross to save us from hell and to give us the kingdom of God. We praise him for his sublime sacrifice for us. Shepherd Luis Armando served the message about 1Corinthians15. We gave glory to God who overcame death and gave us eternal victory. 5 life testimony readers shared their testimony prepared.  Hearing the word of God, 9 sheep shared their life testimony with repentance. They received the forgiveness of their sins and experienced great joy and rest. In the evening we had our festival,  the orchestra delighted us with three beautiful pieces of music; after that we saw two dances called “Mexicapan” and a dance of praise (Acatlán), and finally by heart moving drama “Jesus the Good Shepherd.”  glorified God. We were all very happy and joyful.

Thus, Sunday morning we heard the message about on how beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel served by Shepherd Lucio, Jesus died on the cross and resurrected. But, it is very important to announce these great news to the whole world. And finally in Sunday worship service through the word of Mark 13 Jesus told us that we must watch because the end of the world is near and we must not lose salvation. We learned that we should be attentive to all the events announcing the second coming of Jesus Christ. Praise Jesus that allowed us this conference where we could renew our heart.

Thank you for your prayer.

Shepherd Raúl Muñoz