We Thank God for a Beautiful Bible Conference, "A New Heart" with New History of Collaborators and Servants, GUATEMALA

  • by WMD
  • Apr 13, 2018
  • 895 reads



Guatemala UBF

Ezekiel 36:26: "I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you and will take away your heart of stone from your flesh, and I will give you a heart of flesh."


We thank God for giving us a beautiful Bible Conference from 30-03 to 04-01-2018 with a new history of collaborators and servants among the owners.

At the beginning of the year H. Raúl supported us in everything, from searching and reserving the place of the Conference "Sanctuary of Jehovah" to 29km of the capital city in total we participate 35. H. Raúl is studying Communication Sciences in a university private and is struggling to serve as a shepherd of the sheeps.

The family of M. Josué and Ana Ham, invited the sheep with much prayer and strength, in some cases they waited until midnight, so they took more than 20 participants.

God guided us in the preparation of each activity, we had: 3 messages, 2 presentations, daily bread, Bible study, testimony, Holy Dinner, piñata, sports, conviviality and bonfire. Suddenly I was busy and tired, but by the grace and mercy of God, there was a new story of biblical study leaders and messengers, we also receive prayer and support from missionaries and pastors.

The word of God

God raised three new messengers, young university students, with great energy and humility to serve the word of God. H. Raúl (Communication Sciences) shared "On wings of eagles" Isaiah 40:31. Here we saw that God does not tire of us, young people get tired and fall, but there is hope when "we wait on Jehovah." H. Rubén (Engineering) shared "a new heart" Ezekiel 36:26. Because of our rebellion, God wants to cleanse us, wants to give us a new heart and a new spirit. H. Jorge (Engineering) shared "He who believes, everything is possible" Mark 9:23. We have to believe that our renewal is possible and have a new heart for God. In the presentations, we learned about the faith of touching the mantle of Jesus, through Rebeca Ham, student of Architecture. And "Father, Forgive them" on the cross of Jesus, through Sara Ham, Licentiate in Resource Management. María Fernanda (International Relations), is also growing spiritually and led a Bible study group.  

On the second night, we had Holy Dinner remembering the blood of Jesus that came to rescue us, then we wrote down our impieties and burned it in a bonfire, to have that new heart that God wants to give us. God blessed us with a precious physical and spiritual rest.


I thank God for my family (wife Silvia and daughter Danielita) who supported me at all times to serve this Conference. Sometimes I think I really want to serve God's work and then I serve with joy, but stress invades my heart and I need new strength, so I try to read some tips to rest well, but the Word of God in the Conference He taught me that the secret is "wait on Jehovah." I also feel that I need a new heart, and I try to have it having a good model of life, but I need to have a clean heart of the filth and sins that I commit every day.

So, my main problem is that I stop believing in my Almighty God, worrying only in my daily activities, and I put aside daily bread, prayer and Bible study, which makes my heart hard as stone before God. This attitude of disbelief makes me easy prey of Satan and his attacks are allowed to come one after the other, for which, I pray to get closer to God with faithful struggle, starting with the daily bread.

One word: To have a new heart in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Prayer topics

1. I ask God to give me that new heart, by believing by going to him with prayer and the study of his word, so as not to forget the love of Jesus who forgives my dirty sins.

2. I ask God to strengthen my family with his word and build on the rock to serve.

3. May God help us continue to serve the word of God and allow us to study the Psalms.

4. We pray for our participation in the International Bible Conference in the United States.