God Blessed Jakarta UBF Easter Bible Conference 2018, INDONESIA

  • by WMD
  • Apr 11, 2018
  • 1015 reads


We Jakarta UBF held the Easter Conference 2018 at SEAM (South East Asia Mission) Center. 19 people (the chapter’s families) and 19 invited guests, students with different religion, along with 5 more people, attended the conference. The Lord sent many sheep to us through Hangari, our Korean club. It is disappointing that we cannot evangelize these sheep directly, but we thank God for helping us to have faith to have hope in hopeless situations. This conference was attended for the first time by our 2nd gen-children and able to encounter with these sheep, thus was very special and filled with grace.

The first day, Sh. Eta delivered the message from John 8:1-12 titled, “Leave Your Life of Sin.” This message helped us to compare how our Lord Jesus looks at sinners and how legalists look at sinners. Jesus is the light of the world. He said, therefore, whoever follows Him would not walk in darkness. We resolved to follow Jesus actively to save Indonesian souls and to put on Jesus to serve them. On the second day, Sh. Hengky served the message from Isaiah 53:1-12 titled, “He Was Pierced”. Sh. Hengky demonstrated Jesus who took up our pain and suffering to save us, who do as we please like sheep gone astray. Especially, Sh. Sam and brother Leo’s duo-drama made us think deeply about how our transgressions and iniquities have pierced our Lord Jesus. We praise God for His love that saved us who, like sheep, have all gone astray and have turned to our own way. On the third day, Msn. Peter delivered the message from John 11:17-27 titled, “Jesus, the Resurrection and the Life”. Through this message, we learned that resurrection is not of the future but of the present reality. We thank the Lord who is alive and who is with us at every moment through resurrection and life. We ended the conference with the communion.

We thank God for opening the hearts of 19 sheep, who believe in other religion, and helping them to come to our gathering. We sincerely pray that the shepherds would continue to serve them through faith, love, and the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Prayer Topics:

  1. Sunday Messages by M. Peter Kim, Shp. Hengky, and Shp. Carolus

  2. The co-working of 4 family house churches

  3. To embrace the sheep with other religion and continue serving the campus activities

  4. Five 2nd-gens to be educated with an education founded on faith