The Shepherds Shed Tears Moved by the Word of God & Renewed Their Hearts! - 2018 El Salvador UBF Easter conference News, EL SALVADOR

  • by WMD
  • Apr 09, 2018
  • 765 reads


M. Isidro

Luke 23:26-49

We thank God for his great love to allow us his precious word in this Easter. The immense heat of El Salvador reminded us how exhausted and painful it could have been for our Lord Jesus to take the cross. Jesus gave everything to save us. We were very happy hearing his voice for 3 days.

“Where are you?” (Gen 3) “And the nine, where are they?” (LK 17,23) “Hold back what you have”(Rev 3) We learned from Jeremiah that after praying for 10 days he heard the voice of God. (Jer 42-44). We had group Bible studies and duo drama and shared life-Testimonies. This voice of God is still resonating in our hearts. What a great grace God granted us with his word that we all ended happy. However, on our part of sin we were sad because of our lack of struggle. Although we invited many, not all of them arrived. We had the participation of 13 people and 2 children.

The shepherds shed tears moved by the word of God and renewed their hearts. The sheep heard but returned to their church. But we could see the growth of the disciple Veronica who wants to serve God by obeying the word of God absolutely. Isaac my son confessed his selfish and proud heart, deciding then to allow the word of God to work in his heart.

Through this conference what remains in us is not ignoring the word of God. We have to read the bible to obey the will of God and pray while being vigilant until death. We pray that God will help us retain what we have learned.

In Christ

M. Isidro