2017 UBF Committee Annual Report - Education Department by P. Ron Ward, HEADQUARTER

  • by WMD
  • Apr 03, 2018
  • 874 reads

by P. Ron Ward (Chicago UBF, USA), Department Chairman

The Education Department included the following persons: 

Education Administration - Kevin Albright
Conference/Workshop Program Committee - Mark Vucekovich, Mark Yang, Teddy Hembekides, Augustine Suh, Kevin Albright, Ron Ward
Bible Study Material Committee - Teddy Hembekides, Mark Yang, Augustine Suh, Dr. Paul Koh, Ron Ward
Education Programs Development Committee - Kevin Albright, Augustine Suh, Mark Yang, Paul Hong, Mark Vucekovich, Teddy Hembekides

Assignments in the Education Programs Development Committee:

New Staff: Mark Vucekovich, Ron Ward, Teddy Hembekides
New & Continuing Missionary Training: Mark Yang, Kevin Albright
Leaders from Overseas to HQ: Ron Ward, Mark Yang
Thematic Bible Study: Paul Hong, Mark Yang, Ron Ward, Teddy Hembekides
Theological Articles: Augustine Suh, Ben Westerhoff
Chapter Director/Leader Development: Mark Vucekovich, Ron Ward, Paul Hong
Intern Training: Ron Ward, Little Sarah Kim, Sam Toh
Mother Barry's Bible Study Class: Sarah Barry, Mark and Anna Yang

The Education Department (E.D.) was active in 2017 to further and enhance the education of UBF leaders and members in the following ways:


The annual UBF North America Staff Conference was held from June 21-23, 2017 at the University of Puget Sound campus in Seattle, Washington.  The conference title was “Walk in the Way of Love” (Eph 5:2). About 140 leaders (staff members and their spouses) attended and studied the second half of Ephesians in three lessons. The program included a special lecture on “How to Build up a Healthy Church,” by Dr. Mark Yang, and a special message on “Christ’s Love,” by P. Teddy Hembekides. P. Mark Vucekovich presented an overview of North American UBF ministry. P. Steve Shadrach, author or the book “Fuel and the Flame,” shared a special lecture on student ministry, followed by a Q&A session. Based on the overall subject “Happy Family Life,” testimonies were shared on “Marriage” by Mark Moran and “Raising Children” by Dr. Helen Rarick. Track sessions were held on the subjects: 1) “Overcoming Cultural/Generational Issues to Be One in Christ (Eph 4:1-16), led by Dr. Henry & Esther Kim; 2) How to Help Non-Christians in Community (Eph 4:17-5:20), led by Dr. Jim Rabchuk; 3) Balancing Family and Ministry (Eph 5:21-6:9), led by Dr. Henry Park; and 4) Spiritual Warfare (Eph 6:10-18), led by Dr. Augustine Suh. Special presentations were made on “ELC/Staff Education Overview,” by P. Kevin Albright, “Raising Awareness for Short Term Missions,” by Elder Richard Choi, “Rwanda Mission Report” by M. Daniel Yang, “Silver Mission Testimony” by M. Sarah Chang, and an “ISBC 2018 Presentation” by Edward Papabathini.

From 2018, the season of the North American staff conference has been changed from the summer to the beginning of the new year. This was at the recommendation of P. Abraham Kim and the senior staff so that the conference would be a time to set the direction for the new year as a ministry, together with the worldwide UBF community. Accordingly, the 2018 staff conference was held from January 9-11, 2018 at the Sheraton Hotel near O’Hare Airport in Chicago. The conference theme was “You Will Receive Power to Be My Witnesses” (Ac 1:8). About 160 staff members and wives attended. The conference began with a special lecture by Dr. David Sills on the urgency and necessity of carrying out the world mission command. Dr. Sills is a former missionary to Ecuador, and a Professor of Christian Missions/Cultural Anthropology with the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. The main focus of the conference was on the Bible study of Acts 1:1-14 and the message by P. Abraham Kim which matched the conference title. After the message, all staff members wrote and shared testimonies in small groups. Many were renewed in their vision and passion to carry to be Jesus’ witnesses by the power of the Holy Spirit. P. Ron Ward shared a message on Revelation 5:1-14, titled “Worthy Is the Lamb.” Eleven committees which are tasked with various aspects of the ISBC 2018 presented their progress reports. Before the conference P. Mark Vucekovich collected prayer topics from all chapters in N. America. After each meeting the attendants prayed in groups of 5 according to these prayer topics, as well as general prayer topics given by P. Abraham Kim.


Full-time staff shepherd training continued in 2017 in the Midwest Region. Staff members met every other Monday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. for Bible study, followed by educational programs on How to Study the Bible, Preaching, and other special lectures by HQ Education Committee members. The main book covered in Bible study was Romans, led by Teddy Hembekides, David Won, and others. P. Min Chung from UI Urbana, who is a fruitful evangelist and disciple maker with nearly 800 young people under his care, also gave a special lecture. Each UBF chapter leader shared prayer topics regularly and we prayed for each campus ministry in the Midwest Region. We also had times to discuss various topics that are important in spiritual leadership. In 2018 we plan to finish the study of Romans and begin the study of Revelation. We also plan to have educational courses on the subjects of Biblical Theology and the Old Testament. By the end of 2018, those who have been in the training program will have completed the virtual equivalent of an M.Div at a seminary. Investment in education is vitally important; it will bear fruits for many years to come. Please pray for all UBF full-time staff shepherds to grow as excellent shepherds, Bible students and teachers, and administrators who can provide healthy spiritual leadership to the ministries under our care.

The study materials used for full-time staff training have been developed for the use of all UBF leaders worldwide. At present Christian History and Biblical Theology courses are available online. In 2017, UBF leaders from various chapters around the world completed two courses in spring: Church History I and Church History II, and two courses in the fall: Church History II and Bible Doctrine I. Each course lasted 12 weeks, utilizing coursesites.com and online meetings. More courses will be made available in 2018.


The HQ Bible study team, consisting of Mark Yang, Teddy Hembekides, Ron Ward, Dr. Paul Koh and Augustine Suh met regularly to prepare materials for the study of Ephesians at the annual staff conference, and an introductions and study questions on Romans. In addition, we prepared material for the Leadership Development Workshop that was held in 2017.

In 2018, the Bible study team plans to help compile, edit and publish a disciple raising manual, as the fruit of the LDW for the last four years. P. Abraham Kim has directed us to have this ready to distribute to delegates who attend the ISBC 2018. In addition, the Bible study team will prepare materials to be used for the ISBC. These materials include an overview of the conference theme, “His Kingdom,” and study questions and guides for the passages to be covered at the conference: Matthew 6:1-13; Matthew 9:1-13; Luke 24:44-47; Matthew 5:1-16; Revelation 5:1-14; and Revelation 21:1-22:21. We also plan to prepare materials for the Missionary/ Shepherd Conference. This will be a thematic study of the entire book of Hebrews. We also hope to prepare an introduction and study questions on the book of Revelation.


At the direction of P. Abraham Kim, a Leadership Development Workshop, began in 2014 finished in 2017. This program was formulated around the topic of “Discipleship.” This topics covered year by year are as follows:

YEAR ONE: 2014

I.   Follow Me (I): Calling and Commitment

    1.  Who is a disciple?

    2.  Calling—Finding a New Life Direction

    3.  The Purpose of Being with Jesus

    4.  How to be with Jesus in his Word

    5.  How to be with Jesus through Prayer and Worship

    6.  The Cost and Blessings of Following Jesus

YEAR TWO: 2015

II.  Follow Me (II): Growing in a Christ-centered life

    1.  Followership

    2.  Character Formation

    3.  Servant Leadership

    4.  Lordship

    5.  Participating in Jesus’ Suffering and Glory

    6.  Discipleship and the Holy Spirit


III. Make Disciples of All Nations: Send them Out to Preach, Drive out Demons, Baptize, Teach

    1.  Identity as Sent Ones: Personally, and in Community

    2.  Mindset in Ministry: Humility, Faith, Compassion, Hope

    3.  Preaching and Baptizing

    4.  Teaching to Obey: Personally, and in Community

    5.  Incarnational Ministry across Cultures and Generations

    6.  Spiritual Warfare: Authority to Drive out Demons

The fourth workshop was held November 9-11, 2017 at the Chicago chapter in the Leningrad house. The participants included: P. Abraham Kim, Paul Choi, David Kim, Teddy Hembekides, Abraham McIlhenny, Andrew Christopher, Mark Yang, Steve Stasinos, Moses Noh, Ron Ward, Philip Lee, Juan Seo, Kevin Albright, David Won, David K. Lee, Augustine Suh.  Each group reviewed the respective topics for discipleship that they produced over the last three years, made study questions which can be used as a guide, and prepared the materials for publication. P. Kevin Albright was appointed to oversee the publication of the materials into a Discipleship Manual.

5.  EMERGING LEADERS COHORT (by Kevin Albright and Augustine Suh).

The Emerging Leaders Cohort Committee met weekly for preparation and prayer under the support and leadership of P. Abraham Kim. ELC had 9 sessions in 2017. The sessions and facilitators are as follows: Course 1: God and His Reign (Kevin Albright, Augustine Suh), Grace, Sonship and Faith (Mark Vucekovich), Worship (Kevin Albright, Daniel Park), Walking by the Spirit (Teddy Hembekides, Moses Noh), Word of God (Ron Ward, Mark Yang), Prayer (Teddy Hembekides, Andrew Christopher, Henry Park); Course 2: Calling (Juan Seo, Joshua Hong), Community of Christ (Mark Yoon, Augustine Suh), Lordship of Christ (Andy Stumpf, Augustine Suh). Each session lasted 6 weeks, consisting of learning through assignments and online interactions (through coursesites.com) and one all-day meeting in-person. ELC Alpha that started Aug 2016, finished Course 1 in May (Sessions 4-6). ELC Alpha started Course 2 in Sep 2017 (Sessions 1-3). The Cohort Alpha members in Course 2 are as follows: Greg Lewis (Toledo), Michael Mark (IIT, Chicago), Spencer Luebben (Minneapolis), Nonso Ukeka (Triton, Chicago). ELC Bravo (a new cohort) started Course 1 in Aug 2017 (Sessions 1-3). The ELC Bravo members are as follows: Philip Brown (Washington D.C.), Ben West (Minneapolis), K.C. Ukeka (Triton, Chicago), Daniel Holowicki (Triton, Chicago), Natan Bekit (York, Canada), Duke Ekokota (Yabatech, Nigeria). Thanks to all facilitators who sacrificially served the sessions. Thank God for using ELC for his kingdom.


Kevin Albright visited New Zealand and Australia to serve the summer Bible conference as a messenger trainer. Augustine Suh visited Los Angeles and shared special lectures on Calvinism. Mark Yang and Ron Ward visited Moscow, Kiev and Astana and the New York chapter for Inductive Bible Study workshops. Mark Yang also visited Canada and Germany to host workshops.