2017 UBF Committee Annual Report - Latin America Representative by David Baik, HEADQUARTER

  • by WMD
  • Apr 03, 2018
  • 856 reads

by M. David Baik (New York UBF, USA)


“But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.” (1 Peter 2:9)

Latin American coordinators had monthly meeting under the leadership of Msn. Elias Park (Brazil). Throughout the year, missionary coworkers shared their prayer topics via Kakao Talk. It provided an important venue to connect and support each other in many ways. Many decisions were made through these monthly meetings. We give thanks to God for enabling Latin American coworkers to be united. 

2017 Latin American Directors’ conference held in Belize in January: We give thanks to God for the life of mission of Msn. Moses & Sarah Chang. God blessed their life of faith and raised many disciples and Bible students among Belize students. It was graceful to see Msn. Moses & Sarah Chang, serving the director's conference and all participants wholeheartedly. We give thanks to other UBF chapters (Chicago, New York, Washington, and Korea) for their financial support for Latin American ministries.

In 2017 some humanitarian aids were done for Latin American countries: Msn. Daniel Yang and Msn. Josue Ham visited to Haiti with UBF offerings and delivered it to a Korean churches' association in Haiti. Msn. Josue Bae visited El Salvador and Rep. Dominica in order to give some medical treatments and encouragement to Mexican missionaries with the offering from UBF chapters. Msn. Bernabe Choi worked to give aid to Mexicans who suffered for an earthquake in October. In addition, offerings sent to Venezuela helped greatly to Venezuelan coworkers who were in severe economic problems. We praise God for His beautiful work of redemption in Latin American campuses through our missionaries and native shepherds.

  1. Argentina, La Plata: They had Easter conference in April and four college students have Bible studies. They are: Miguel, Grace, Jose, and Ivan. Shep. Daniel and Iliana married in November.  

  2. Belize: A new house church between Shep. Dillon and Shanelli.  

  3. Bolivia, Santa Cruz 1: Shep. Mateo Carmelo (New director), Shep. Abraham Erick (President) took over the leadership of the ministry.  

  4. Bolivia, Santa Cruz 2: 35 people participated in Summer Bible conference. Fernando and Luis are growing spiritually.  

  5. Brazil, Sao Paulo: Young leader's conference in July and four disciples finished training in November. Msn. Priscilla Jung past away. 

  6. Ecuador, Guayaquil: Shep. Sara, Ester, Osiris are growing as leaders of the ministry. 

  7. Ecuador, Quito: The first Sunday worship service was held on January 1, 2017. Every Sunday Venezuelan immigrants came to the worship. Msn. Jose and Yessika are working hard for evangelism in spite of xenophobia against Venezuelans. Please pray for their self-supporting ministry. 

  8. El Salvador: Shep. Carlos and Maria are co-working well for the ministry. 

  9. Guatemala: They had Summer Bible conference under the title "Jesus, my good shepherd" (John 10:11). Shep. Raul's delivered a main message. Also they had new generation's conference. Sunday messages delivered by M. Joshua, M. Gideon, Shep. Abraham, Shep. Ivan, and Shep. Edward. They had 32 participants in Christmas worship service. Shep. Edwar's family moved to the Bible center. M. Sara Jung got a medical treatment in Korea. 

  10. Honduras: 2nd Gen. Jessica Kang went to Korea for spiritual training. 

  11. Mexico CU: They had student's conferences in May and September with around 90 participants. Daniel & Liliana's formed a house church in June. 

  12. Mexico Guadalajara: Three disciples were raised. 

  13. Mexico Iztacala: A new house church was established between Mario and Romina. New disciples were raised: Cesia, Javier, and Jazira. Sunday messages are delivered by David and Israel. 

  14. Mexico Puebla: Three new shepherdesses are growing: Victoria, Nancy, and Alma. Worship service attendees and 1:1 Bible students are Agustin, Moises, Mali, Dara, Andrea, Asriana, Eli, and Maria. 

  15. Mexico Zapopan: 2nd. Gen. Gideon Kim graduated from a medical school. 

  16. Mexico Monterrey 2: Worship service attendees are M. Ana Choi, Mateo Choi, and Juan Choi. 

  17. Mexico IPN: 2nd Gen. Samuel Choi was sent to Chicago as a missionary. 

  18. Mexico UAM: M. Pablo Park's family got Mexico visa of three years. 

  19. Mexico Saltillo: Shep. Pedro's family and M. Jose are co-working for the ministry.  

  20. Mexico Santo Tomas: 2nd Gen. Ha Eun Noh god a medical treatment in Korea and studies there. 

  21. Nicaragua: Shep. Jonathan formed a house church. Shep. Mariano needs prayer for self-supporting. 2nd Gen. In Soo Kim got an admission from Yonsei Univ. 

  22. Panama: Shep. Dario and Karen engaged to form a house church. Msn. Josue and Maria are working hard and God sent many people to the ministry. 

  23. Paraguay:  2nd Gen. Andres and Mose are restoring spiritually.  

  24. Peru: They purchased a Bible center with the offerings of Mexico CU center and Shep. Rodolfo Blass. Shep. Jorge and Caty are co-working for the ministry.

  25. Venezuela Caracas: They worked hard for evangelism in spite of political and social turbulences. 175 people including 48 college students participated in Summer Bible Conference. 7 New house churches were formed. Shep. Maria Teresa and Rodrigo's family was sent to Colombia as missionaries. Shep. Alirio and Yenny's family pioneered a new chapter in Margarita. 250 people participated in Christmas worship service. 

  26. Venezuela Merida: They had West Regional Disciple Conference (April 12-13) with Maracaibo UBF. 63 people participated in West Regional Summer Conference (August 18-20). 27 people participated in Christmas Worship Service. They have 5 Bible studies weekly including 3 college students. 10 people participate in Sunday worship service. 

  27. Venezuela Maracaibo: Ingirbert finished disciple training and was baptized. They had a united Summer Bible conference with Merida UBF and 63 people participated. 10 attendees at Sunday worship service and 25 participated in Christmas worship service. They worked for evangelism at University of Zulia even when the university was closed because of protests.  

Once Latin American countries were probably one of the darkest parts of the world due to human sacrifices through Aztec. But our merciful God sent numerous missionaries and stopped human sacrifice (Warren H. Carroll). Thank God for His beautiful work of redemption in Latin America. May God our Father continue to enable our UBF missionaries and native shepherds to serve Latin American campus souls and raise disciples of Jesus and missionaries for Latin American nations and the whole world.