2017 UBF Committee Annual Report - North America Representative by Mark Vucekovich, HEADQUARTER

  • by WMD
  • Mar 27, 2018
  • 1047 reads

By Mark Vucekovich

“I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you were called” (Ephesians 4:1, ESV).

Last summer at our staff conference we studied Ephesians 4–6. Ephesians teaches us that church is a “calling” (Eph4:1,4). We think we decided to join, we planned, we created, we control, we own a church. It’s wrong. We try to be the head of the church, but it turns out to be a headless body—scary. Actually, if ever there’s a real local church, God decided, God planned, God created, God controls and God owns it. The church members need this conviction, this way of thinking, this view of the church. In this way, Jesus is the head of that church, and that church body is healthy.

Specifically, God called me where I am, to be with the Christian co-workers he gave me, even if it’s hard to be with them. God often calls us to do hard things, even impossible things, with impossible people. God calls us out of the world. What does it mean? We’re called to walk in love. We’re called to walk in the light. When we walk in love and in the light, God uses us to build and grow his church.

Strategies may be good. But we always need to remember the Bible truth, that we’re called to be in a church, not a business. We’re called to serve not objects, but people—people God values and loves and wants to be in a relationship with.

Ephesians also teaches us that our spouse is not just our co-worker; God calls us to our spouse to become one body, to reflect the love of Jesus.

So we’re all called to a local body of believers, large or small, in which Christ is head—he’s the Lord, he’s in control, and he’s our source of wisdom.

Let’s pray to renew our sense of God’s personal calling grace. Let’s pray to see our marriages and ministries, wherever we are, as part of Christ’s body—including all the missionary and shepherd families with us. Let’s pray to help our young people studying the Bible to experience God’s calling grace and make a commitment to his body in the local church. Let’s pray to help them leave their old selves and their old lives and learn to walk in Christ’s love and in his light. And let’s pray that through our student ministry God may call and raise wonderful Bible teachers and shepherds like Jesus, a new generation of spiritual leaders who can build up the body of Christ in their generation.

Short-term mission: Last year we began to develop our UBF short-term mission ministry in North America. Elder Richard Choi in Chicago agreed to be the committee chair. He is working to identify receiving missionaries on the field and to develop a short-term mission application process and a training program. Please pray for this.

New generation leaders: In the USA and Canada there are many young people in our ministry, both children of our missionaries/shepherds, and American young people who have joined through our college student ministry. They would like to serve among us and have stewardship. Let’s pray that they may: 1) communicate closely with their chapter leader; 2) make ministry their practical priority; 3) teach the Bible one-to-one as the best way to grow personally and contribute spiritually to their local chapters.

Emerging Leaders’ Cohort: This past Fall, the first year class began their second year in the program. And a new class began their first year in the program. They are William Larson (LAUBF), Ben West (Minneapolis), Phillip Brown (Washington), Natan Bekit (North York), KC Ukeka (Triton), Dan Holowicki (Triton), Duke Ekokota (Yaba Tech, Nigeria). The past two years I led the class on God’s grace. Other HQ senior staff have been leading the other classes. Let’s pray for these young men to grow as spiritual leaders among us through this education program.

New chapters/candidates: Let’s pray for the following new chapters: Cantonsville, MD (Dr. Andrew Park); Dallas, TX (Jonathan Jung); Durham, NH (Dr. Abraham Jeong); Houston, TX (Paul Jo); Libertyville, IL (Seahan Hwang); Madison, WI (Peter Lee); Novi, MI (Joshua Bang); Princeton, NJ (Dr. Sam A. Lee); Stillwater, OK (Abraham Lee); Texas A&M (Joseph Oh).

New chapter leaders: Let’s pray for the following people who have become the new leaders in their chapters: David Yun (Cornerstone UBF, MD, replacing Dr. Luke Lim); Peter Ahn (North Hills, CA, replacing Gideon Klijian); James Roh (Philadelphia UBF, replacing Moses Noh); Philip Wong (Montreal UBF, replacing Andrew Christopher).

Prayer topics for North American UBF chapters:

  1. Revival of local chapters through the work of the Holy Spirit

  2. Each chapter may bring 110% of their average Sunday attendants to the ISBC

  3. The powerful work of the Holy Spirit at our ISBC through the Bible studies/messages

  4. Encourage our international delegates and young people through hosting them this summer

  5. Many short and long-term missionaries may be raised through our ISBC