2017 Annual Mission Report - "We are Heirs of God" by Paul H. Lee, GREECE

  • by WMD
  • Mar 23, 2018
  • 1739 reads


Paul H. Lee

Key verse: Romans 8:15-17: “For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship. And by him we cry, “Abba, Father”. The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. Now if we are children, then we are heirs-heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ. If indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory”

I. Review of Greek ministry: The year of maturity though sufferings

In 2017 we studied Mark’s Gospel along with 1 and 2Corinthians. Timothy Stamatis and I took turns in delivering the Sunday messages. Every last Sunday of each month we had a united Athens chapter 1 & 2 Sunday worship service and heard the messages by our second gens including sister Isidora and Hara Point.

A great change and improvement was shown in Hara Point’s faith by steadily attending our weekly Bible study, testimony writing, thanksgiving topics sharing and Sunday worship service. By her suggestion all young members of our community started to take turns to clean the Bible house.

In 2017 the biggest fruit of our ministry was the youth meeting of 11 members Lydia, Paul, Pauline, Isidora, Hara, Eleny joined by second gens Esther Lee, Susanna Lee, Joanna Woo, Samuel Woo and David Woo. They had testimony sharing, prayer meeting and Bible reading. They formed the Worship team and they continue worshiping the Lord with their body and mind through playing musical instruments. They are preciously useful in God’s ministry. God also trained Pauline by sending her to Seoul for one semester. He opened her spiritual eyes to see how hard it is to live abroad and to wholeheartedly respect her parents’ faith and decision to live as missionaries. God also trained Esther Lee through her health problem during her university entrance exams. Because of her serious stomach pains she couldn’t complete her tests. Paul Jr. and Pauline Jr. are a good influence to their colleagues by studying hard at the universities and at the same time working at their part-time jobs as Korean teachers. Lydia Lee Jr. served Isidora, Pauline Jr and Hara Point with one to one Bible studies every week.

We thank God who provided us with daily bread in the midst of the long-term economic crisis. We thank God who blessed Missionary Rebecca to start language school at Athens University. We thank God who blessed Zoe Woo to learn writing and speaking at the elementary school.

On April 7-9, we held the united Athens chapter 1&2 joyful Easter Conference at the Cosmos Vision Center. The theme of the conference was “Back in the Garden.” The first message was, “The torture by evil spirits and salvation by Jesus” from Mark 9:14-32 by sister Isidora, and the second was, “It is finished“ from John 19 by Timothy and the third was, “Back in the Garden” by Lydia Lee Jr.

On November 3-5 we held the united Athens chapter 1&2 Fall Bible Conference at the Cosmos Vision Center. The first message was, “Why did you create me this way” on Romans 9:19-33 by Lydia Lee Jr. and the second was “Jesus’ love towards a church community” from John 13 by Hara Point and the third was, “Why we should be holy” 2Timothy 2:14-26 by Timothy Stamatis. God sent us special guests, his dear servants Kim Sungwhan from Chongro 2 and also Costa and Sarah from Moscow UBF. Kim Sungwhan delivered a special lecture with the title “The church that pleases God.” Costa and Sarah shared their life testimonies. On the last day, we had a feet washing ceremony in front of the Lord and the witnesses. We also had a joyful and creative time by making clay art and sharing why we molded them the way we did.

Every Sunday afternoon we had soccer fellowship to protect second gens from the sinful world and to have joy and satisfaction in our meetings. Sister Eleny was ready to attend the fall conference with her friend but she failed to come because of her parents’ hindrance. We pray for her to keep her faith in our Lord Jesus Christ and to come back to Bible study and Sunday worship service. Also, Missionary Mark and Pauline Lee  of Athens 2 held monthly Bible schools every month in 2017.

Praise God who allowed Lydia, Paul, Pauline, Isidora, Hara and Eleny to attend Encounter conference in Germany. At the CBF conference in the Czech Republic in July, most of our second gens attended with their parents.

II. The key verse for 2018

“For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship. And by him we cry, ‘Abba, Father’. The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. Now if we are children, then we are heirs-heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ. If indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory.” (Romans 8:15-17) This is our key verse for 2018. In 2018 we will meet with other kinds of difficulties and obstacles during the race of faith. It is easy for us to be overwhelmed with fear, anxiety and despair whenever we meet hardships. Meanwhile, firstly shall we ask ourselves, “Who are we?” and we pray so that we will confess our faith by answering, “We are God’s precious children, heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, the Lord.” We pray that we will live and be guided by the Holy Spirit.

Prayer topics:

  1. Lydia jr. job, Greek citizenship and marriage by faith.

  2. Rebecca Akmaral to learn Greek language and raise Daniel,
    Esther Lee and Hara to succeed in college admission exams.

  3. March 23-25, Happy Easter Conference, November 2-4 Fall Conference.

One word: We are God’s children, heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ