M. Don & Hannah Kuper were Sent out to Argentina from Akron, Ohio, USA

  • by WMD
  • Mar 21, 2018
  • 862 reads

<M. Don and Hannah Kuper's farewell Sunday Worship Service in Akron, 3/19/2018>

M. Don and Hannah Kuper were sent out to Argentina on March 19, 2018 from Akron, Ohio, USA.

They returned to the mission field after recharging themselves and after coming back from Korea and China. We may pray for them, John Kuper, their second son in Argentina and Latin America ministry. 

We are thankful that M. Don's health has been restored in Akron, and the Kuper's were sent out as silver missionaries.

Prayer topics

1. God may provide them suitable place to live (two bedroom apartment)
2. They may be a blessing to John Kuper
3. They may be a blessing to Argentinian campus mission