2017 UBF Committee Annual Report - Continuing Missionary Education (CME) by Dr. John Jun, HEADQUARTER

  • by WMD
  • Mar 20, 2018
  • 802 reads

By Dr. John Jun

M. John Jun had CME ministry 9 chapters in Africa (Wits, Pretoria, Cape Town, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Kenya, Uganda, Nigeria, Ethiopia). 

CME Bible teachers and lecturers are Dr. Samuel H. Lee, M. Daniel Rhee, Dr. John Jun, M. David Kim, Sh. David Kim, Dr. James Suh, Dr. Mark Yang, Dr. Augustine Suh, Dr. Ezra Cho and Dr. Moses Chung.

      <Dr. John Jun>

     <Dr. Augustine Suh>

     <M. David Kim>

     <Dr. Ezra Cho>

Prayer topics

1. Next chair of the CME is Dr. Samuel H. Lee. Let’s pray for him
2. Serving servants of the CME are Dr. Samuel Lee, Sh David Kim, Dr. James Suh, Dr. Mark Yang, Msn Daniel Lee, Dr. John Jun, Msn David Kim (Indianapolis), Dr. Ezra Cho, Dr. Augustine Suh, and Dr. Moses Chung. Please pray for them.