9 UBF Chapters in Seoul had a Joint Spring Conference with 400 attendees, KOREA

  • by WMD
  • Mar 09, 2018
  • 1206 reads


Joshua Kim

On February 24-25, 2018 Jongro 1,2,7, Gwanak 3,5, Wharang, Bugak, Anseong, Bukseoul UBF Joint Spring conference was held at Daewoong Management Development Institute in Yongin, Korea. About 400 people attended. The theme of the conference was "The everlasting friendship of David and Jonathan" based on 1 Samuel 18-20.

On Saturday 2:00-4:00 pm after lunch we studied 1 Samuel 17. After group Bible study a special lecture was given by Pastor Insoo Lee, a guest speaker from Kimje Kuemsan church. The lecture was about the everlasting friendship of elder Duksam Cho and Pastor Jaik Lee an example of a friendship like that David & Jonathan's lifelong friendship.

Once Jaik Lee was a servant to his master Duksam Cho who was famous and wealthy. One day an election took place to elect an elder for their church. Duksam and Jaik were both elder candidates. But contrary to Duksam's expectation Jaik was elected by church members even though he was a servant. But Duksam humbled himself and accepted God's good sovereignty in this matter and honored Jaik as a church elder, supporting and co-working well with him. Moreover, he sent him to Pyongyang college of theology supporting him with all his needs. Afterwards, he humbly invited him to serve as the head pastor to his church. We were all moved by their beautiful & lifelong love story in Christ as did David & Jonathan in God. 

In the evening Sh. Whajong Oh from Jongro1 delivered a graceful message entitled "the everlasting friendship between David and Jonathan," from 1 Samuel 18-20.

<Sh. Whajong Oh from Jongro1>

We deeply learned about the everlasting love in Christ through the story of David and Jonathan's pure and God centered love. Through sincere testimony writing based on the message and sharing reflections in groups we all made a decision of faith to deeply love co workers and new students in the campus.  

The next day Sh. Paul Lim of Gwanak 5 gave a message, "David, God's warrior" based on 1 Samuel 17.  When he delivered message he was full of life and revealed God's great triumph over Goliath. We thank God that through the messages we were all greatly strengthened to engage in one to one battle in the spring semester in the campus. We also thank God for enabling us to have good fellowship with other chapter co-workers through group Bible study.