2017 UBF Committee Annual Report - HQ Web News Committee UBF.ORG, UBF HEADQUARTER

  • by WMD
  • Mar 09, 2018
  • 907 reads


<Web Committee members>

By Elijah Park

This committee is to post articles on the UBF website. We posted prayer topics of world wide, general director’s messages and announcements, events year around and Bible lectures. God has used this web as a bridge to all UBF families around world: as the bridge from HQ to chapters, from chapters to chapters of UBF, and people to people. We posted chapters’ annual reports of Europe, Asia, South America and North America. We posted African regional conference news with pictures and Dr. John Jun’s Africa CME reports. There were wedding new and pictures. There were prayer topics for ill coworkers of the world.

In 2018, we will continually put effort to connect each chapter of UBF worldwide through the web. We will communicate HQ to chapters of the world. Especially we will post the preparation of ISBC 2018. We will post other chapters’ Sunday message videos.

Last year,

  • Daniel Shim (Korea & Asia), Dr. Samuel Park, Dr. Jose Ahn (Latin America), Luke Moon (CIS), Richard Choi (Europe), Dr. Joseph Chung (Africa) and Elijah Park (North America) served as the continental coordinators and found news, prayer topics and edited in English of each news of continents.
  • There were proofreaders who volunteered. They were David and Maria Saethre, Socorro Saucedo, Dianna Guzman, Michael Lanier, Paulina Kim, Sarah Lee, Hannah Kupper and Jack Magardician.
  • Missionary Joshua Min posted on the web and Sean Cho supported web technically.
  • Dr. Joseph Ahn helped web ministry providing articles and prayer topics from the chapters of the world.
  • Dr. John Jun supported as an adviser for our web ministry.

Prayer Topics for 2018

1. God may use UBF web as his instrument for world campus mission. 
2. God may bring spiritual unity through sharing God’s vision and prayer topics together.
3. God may use UBF web for praying for ISBC 2018