Santa Cruz UBF II Held a Conference During Carnival Season, BOLIVIA

  • by WMD
  • Mar 09, 2018
  • 741 reads


We held a conference during the carnival season (Feb 10-13). The conference was held in Espejillo, about 2 hours’ drive from the city. In total 38 persons attended the conference and among them 13 were firstcomers. Although the number of attendants was about the same as last year’s, this year’s conference showed the growth and maturity in content.

The title of the conference was “Come and See”. Through the preparation and invitation, we prayed to learn the sense of stewardship and shepherd heart. We prayed that Bible students might invite one sheep and growing disciples to invite two sheep, so altogether 60 persons might attend the conference. We also prayed that all of the attendants might meet Jesus personally through the conference. The Lord heard and blessed our prayers.

On the first night, the opening message was delivered by a junior shepherd, Fernando, based on John 1:35-42. In the past, he had a hard time writing testimony. Even if he wrote, he didn’t say anything about himself because he didn’t have a sense of problem and was reluctant to reveal himself to others due to his pride. However, in his testimonial opening message, he boldly testified and revealed clearly his spiritual direction to seek Jesus and meet him.

On the second day, the main message was delivered by a junior shepherdess, Milka, based on John 4:1-30. Milka confessed how she dreamed of meeting a most ideal man and hoped to find satisfaction of her soul through romantic love. She now confessed that Jesus alone is her true husband after drinking the living water.

Through her message, many attendants realized how they were searching from all sorts of worldly wells to quench the thirst in their souls, and how they began to drink the living water Jesus gives. Sister Patricia who attended the conference for the first time discovered that she was just like the Samaritian woman and wrote a testimony with tears and accepted Jesus as her true husband. Another new attendant, Brother Jossep, wandered a lot seeking to find truth by visiting Mormon, Jehovah’s Witness and many other churches. But through this passage he found Jesus who is the true living water and ended his spiritual wandering.  

In the evening, there was testimony sharing time. Missionary Ana Lee testified to the grace of God, how God saved her from slavery to egoism, pride, and hatred and called her to live as a shepherd for young intellectuals. Brother Cristobal lost his parents at a young age, so he tried to quench his spiritual thirst from a sweet home life, money and business. He repented of this and drank the living water of Jesus. He decided to grow through Bible study and live as a Bible teacher and raise spiritual leaders among Bolivian young people.   

On the third day, a junior shepherd, Luis, served the main message from Luke 15:11-32. Luis repented that he lived like the first son with self-righteousness and pride and despised others. He decided to live as a shepherd for Bolivian young people. Through this message, many attendants discovered themselves as the second son (the Prodigal son) or the first son. In their testimonies they confessed this and decided to return to God with sincere repentance.

In the evening of the third day, we had a talent show. Each group Bible team presented a skit with humor and a message. It was a good time of joy and laughter. It also was a blessed time to sum up the grace we received through the conference.  

On the fourth day, after praise, we had time altogether and shared what each learned through the conference. Even the first-time attendants had clear grace they received. One characteristic of this conference was that the testimonies were deeper than last year. More than half of the new attendants decided to study the Bible one to one.

Personally, my mind was hard after being rejected by many of those whom I invited to the conference. But I could learn the mind of Jesus who was rejected. I am thankful that through helping the messengers I saw a vision for them to grow as great messengers. I also realized once again that God himself sends his prepared sheep in his time. I learned, therefore, I must be prepared as an instrument of truth all the more.  

I thank and praise God for his abundant and gracious work in each attendant blessing the intercessory prayers of many coworkers. Thank you very much for your prayer support.