2017 UBF Committee Report - Africa Representative by M. John Kwon, UBF HEADQUARTER

  • by WMD
  • Mar 07, 2018
  • 772 reads

2017 Africa Mission Report

John Kwon

We are thankful that God helped us to support Africa mission continually in 2017 through prayer and practical support. Three youth ministry leaders, Billy Park, Daniel Tourn, Diana Lopez went to South Africa and held Africa southern region children conference on 7/17-20, 2017. Our coworkers in southern region Africa had summer conference during the period. While adult coworkers had the conference, children had their own conference through the three servants’ service. About 25 children attended the conference and received the word of God and had joyful fellowship doing fun activities. The three servants spent much time to prepare the conference program. To support the conference our children in LA UBF did fundraising through car washing and selling cookies and bought gifts with the fund for children in Africa who were attending the conference. They also had written letters to each child who attended the conference and received responding letters from them after the conference. There were many positive feedbacks from children and coworkers in Africa. The three leaders also said that they had good experience and learned many things serving the conference. It was good for our children in LA UBF to learn how to serve others and support world mission and build up relationship with our children in Africa.

To support Africa West region summer conference held on 7/24-27, 2017 shepherd William Larsen went to Nigeria as a USA delegate and shared his life testimony for the conference. There were many obstacles for him to go to Africa, especially visa problem but God helped him to get the visa miraculous way on the day of his departure. His testimony was great encouragement for our coworkers there and shepherd William was also so encouraged and learned their faith through fellowship with our coworkers there. He said that he wants to go Africa often even with his children for mutual encouragement and children’s spiritual growth and world mission vision.

Through these support we earned that we can receive more blessing when we try to serve others. We are very thankful that God enable us to support Africa mission during last year. We pray that we may continually support Africa mission through all possible ways. For International Summer Bible Conference, LA UBF will prepare mission night for Africa continent working together with our coworkers in Africa. We pray that God may have better understanding about African mission and build up relationship with our coworkers there through the preparation process and that God may give us great vision for Africa mission through the Africa mission night.