The Work of God in Guatemala 2017, SOUTH AMERICA

  • by WMD
  • Feb 13, 2018
  • 1080 reads


2017 Guatemala UBF Report

​By Edwar Ti

John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life”

Part I: The mission

From the beginning of the year, we searched for a place and a word for the Bible Summer Conference. By the grace of God, we found an economic place through M. Josué Ham. Our sisters, brothers, and faithful co-workers participated. The passage was from the Gospel of John. The title was: "Jesus, my good shepherd" (John 10:11). Sp. Raúl, a student studying Communication career at the private university of Mariano Galvez, shared the main message. Shepherdesses Aurora Kim and Sara Ham shared a presentation.

We shared a good time together and rested spiritually and physically. The new generation of CBF had their own Bible conference, too, prepared previously by Spds. Silvia, Aurora and sister Mafer and Mrs.Yuri. The second generation has a lot of energy and they served a lot with this overflowing energy. Through this Bible Conference, God showed us his hope for all of us.

During the year we had some outdoors services to invite new sheep. The Sunday messages are preached by M. Joshua, M. Gideon, Sp. Abraham, Sp. Ivan and Sp. Edwar, who served faithfully. We are praying that M. Marcos can also share the message.

On December 17, we shared a Christmas service, with the word of Matthew 1:23, "The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Emmanuel” (which means “God with us”). We were reminded that Christmas is not just another tradition, but it is celebrated to remember the birth of Jesus, who came to save us from the darkness of sin, and that God is always with us. The majority came with their families, and in total there were 32 attendants. So, it was like a party with a big family.

The sheep who came were: Mafer (International Relations), Tomás (Right), Andrea (Social Work) and Doña Ana (Music). All the coworkers and brothers, gladly served the service and the worship activities. At the end, the brothers and co-workers stayed to clean with a grateful heart to God. Now we are praying for the sheep to come to the Bible study.

II. The work of families

Fam. Ham: Missionary Joshua Ham is the coordinator of Central America and the Caribbean with M. Hannah. They are very supportive of Sp. Edwar to serve the mission of UBF Guatemala. They serve together with their three daughters, Sara (Officer of the Polytechnic School), Rebeca (Architecture student) and Ester (High School Senior, prospective US college student).   

Fam. Nam: M. Marcos and M. Daniela, are very busy with their work. Together with their daughters: Paola and Josephine (CBF), they are always serving in the activities of the church.

Fam Kim: M. Mercy with his daughter Maria (Fashion student), are participating faithfully by encouraging the sheep. Sometimes, the eldest daughter Ester attends, and they are praying for M. David to attend, too.

Fam. Kim Marin: M. Gideon and P. Aurora, are always aware of all the activities, with their two daughters Yeshin and Yebee (CBF).

Fam. Muñoz Ortiz: Brother Raúl (Communication), with his mother Yuri (teacher) participate faithfully, and they are growing as coworkers.

Fam. Velasquez: H. Felix (Engineer) attends with his wife Evelyn (Business Administrator) and his daughter Jimena. We are praying that they may come faithfully.

Salazar Family: Sp. Abraham, M. Sara and their two daughters, Ruth and Grace, were traveling in Korea at the end of the year, for health and to visit to the family.

III. My family

P. Silvia and my daughter Daniela, help me serve faithfully. We moved in to the church at the end of the year. A couple of years ago, we decided to buy a little house that was a bit far from the church, but this place became very dangerous. God cared for and protected my life and my family. After asking the co-workers and with the support of M. Josué, God prepared a way for us to stay in the Biblical center. God allows us to serve a fellowship. We are praying to establish new sheep and coworkers.

IV. Testimony

John 3:16 helped me a lot to remember the love of God that sent Jesus to save me, and to repent of my complaints. God allowed me to serve the Sunday message for several weeks. The mercy of God allowed me to serve the message, "We are co-workers of God," in the Conference of Directors of Latin America in Belize. I was very touched because the missionaries are very sacrificing co-workers. This word helped me to remember that God called me as a worker in his history and that I must give thanks for the patience of the coworkers who lead me to know Christ.

While we are living in the church, I want to strive to pray and have self-support. In 2018, we are going to find a school for our daughter Danielita and work for my wife. I always appreciate all your prayers for my family and our UBF chapter in Guatemala.

V. Prayer topics 2018

Matthew 7: 7, "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you."

1. Strength and word to serve the message, Bible studies, and Friday coffee nights of evangelism with joy.

2. Raise 60 participants in the service and 60 Bible studies.

3. Be a family of blessing for the ministry and for the university campus.

4. Resume my studies at the university, look for a new job and business.

5. Participate in the International Biblical Conference.