Venezuelan Missionaries in Latin America

  • by WMD
  • Feb 07, 2018
  • 1067 reads


1. Panama (M. Josue and Maria Gutierrez)

M. Josue accepted Jesus in his earlier times, but in 2004, the Lord called him to begin a new life of faith at Caracas UBF; here, he could learn a lot about the grace and love of God and grow as a shepherd. In 2011, the Lord opened the door for his wife, Maria and him to go out as missionaries to Panamá to co-work with M. Juan Baek’s family, till 2013. Since then, he and his wife have been gradually serving the mission independently.

<M. Josue and Maria Gutierrez, two daughters, Victoria (7) and Maria Celeste (3)>       

<'As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord’ (Jos. 24: 15b): with families (Alirio Rosales, M. Maria’s father, second from right), sheep (Karen, Dario, from left to right; Audis, on the right), dedicating his apartment to God (Aug. 20, 2017)>


2. Colombia (Andres, Anna Park)

We had been here 11 years. God sent Maria and Rodrigo families from Venezuela 6 months ago. We pray for 20 one to one Bible Study and raise local leaders by 2020. Please pray for the settlement of Maria and Rodrigo. 


3. Chile (Josue and Hannah Chun)

Luis Zambrano, Josmary, Luis Alejandro (5), Ana Sofia(2).


​4. Ecuador (Andres and Hannah Kim)

José Ortega and Yessika Loyo.


5. Argentina (Isaac and Maria Cho)

Juan Carlos and Joselyne Vivas.