2017 Czech Republic Mission Report, EUROPE

  • by WMD
  • Feb 07, 2018
  • 1137 reads


Hannah Shin

Key Verse: Mk 11:22

“‘Have faith in God,’ Jesus answered.”

We thank and praise God who showed his unchanging love towards our ministry throughout this year. By God’s grace and by prayer and sacrificial co-working of our European missionaries we could open our 8th New Generation conference in Czech Republic. We see there are many small lonely ministries consisting of one or two families, which are scattered around Europe. In that sense every person matters and especially role of our 2nd generation, our children is very important. Our second gens are growing as our good coworkers and Jesus’ disciples and by seeing mighty work in their lives we could receive much strength and comfort. This time I’d like to look back at God’s grace for us and thank him. Moreover I pray God may give me new orientation and new prayer topics for upcoming year 2018. Amen!

  1. Work of His Word

This year in Czech Prague center, we studied from book of Romans and Marks gospel. Msn. Hannah Shin, Shp. Aleš Máca and 2. gen. missionary David Shin delivered Sunday messages by taking turns every week. And our brother missionaries: Msn. Joshua Kang, Samuel Park and Peter Jeon took turns once every 3 months to deliver Sunday messages. Through the study of Mark gospel our coworkers could learn about disciple raising ministry and also it helped us to learn faith. Our missionaries decided to write Czech testimonies and study Bible in Czech in order to become good bible teachers and shepherd for one lost soul. Sister Hanka Šámalová who attends Sunday worship services every week and studies Bible regularly grows in faith. Shp. Ales Máca lives common life at our center and started his Vietnamese studies at Charles University this year. Meanwhile he is tutoring young children to support himself financially, we pray for Ales Máca, that he may marry by faith with godly woman to establish a wonderful housechurch to glorify God.

From 14-15th April 2017 we had our spring Easter conference in beautiful mountains at Krkonose in Czech Republic. We meditated on Mark’s gospel where Msn. Samuel Park delivered opening message from Mk 14 – “The Gethsemane prayer”; the second day, main lecture I delivered Shp. Ales Máca from Mk 15 – “Jesus who died on the cross”; and third day main lecture II delivered by Msn. Peter Jeon from Mk 16 – “He is risen!” Through our Easter conference our messengers received much grace by preparing messages, meanwhile all participants came to the cross with their hardships and sufferings from jobs, campus mission and studies and moreover accepted resurrection faith newly in their hearts.

2. 8th New Generation conference

Until now title of our conferences were called CBF conference. However, from this year not only children of our missionaries but also their friends and 3rd generations participated in our conference. Age scale was from 5 to 19 years so that’s why we changed our name from CBF conference to New generation conference. By God’s grace also we could have 8th New generation conference in Prague. This time we tried to prepare more effective program by dividing into two groups: the lower grade (from 5 to 8) and the higher grade (from 11).

In total 120 people (parents included, 44 lower grade students, 17 upper grade students) from 16 countries attended our New generation conference. Our whole conference’s title was called “Life of a disciple” and main lecture I was from Mark 1:14-20 “Kingdom of God is near”, main lecture II was also from Mk 11:20-25 titled “If you receive power” and main lecture 3 “Do you want to be the best?” Lectures were chronologically delivered by Msn. Barnabas Woo, Dr. James Han and Msn. Josef Bae who prepared graceful messages. And for the lower grades Msn. Paul Chang, Samuel Park and Barnabas Kang prepared simple messages suitable to our small children’s understandings. Especially through 2 months intensive skype calling with our women missionaries we could discuss and pray to prepare a wonderful program. While we served this conference with one heart Holy Spirit worked powerfully and blessed us abundantly. 9 of our new generations delivered their life testimonies that touched our hearts. Sara Kang from Macedonia, Susanna Lee from Greece, Pauline Lee from Denmark, Sara Sohn from Israel, Johanna Woo from Greece, Young In Park from Poland, Rebekah Bae from Croatia, Lois Han from Austria, Sara Ko from Serbia shared their testimonies very sincerely, repenting from their sins and making decisions of faith according to their key verses. They made a clear decision to become good shepherds to their friends and grow as Jesus’ disciples. Personally I could see God’s vision in Europe through our new generations. I was encouraged by our second gens also, although most of them come from small ministries (one or two families) they try to overcome their difficulties by faith, like their parents. Through this I could see vision and I received strength and comfort from our children. Moreover 23 Bible teachers served our lower grade and higher grade students with shepherd heart. Dr. Yoo Kyung Lee from Norway, Tromso gave us a special lecture on “Creation of the Earth” from her scientist point of view. Also Msn. Dr. Paul Hong gave us a special lecture on “God of our parents and the Lord of our lives”. During conference he was also mentoring our missionaries and served them with Word and prayer. This time also he brought his two grandchildren. Dr. Peter Chang from Bonn, Germany gave us a special lecture on “Church that pleases God”. From this lecture we’ve learnt that God is very pleased by our small housechurches that are a true model of a church. Hearing this we have been encouraged and comforted. Furthermore by graceful baptism and a Holy Communion our 7 new gens received much grace by repenting from their sins with tears of joy. From this year’s new generation conference we could see that our children are true hope of Europe. Moreover God blessed wonderful co-working of our European missionaries and Czech coworkers abundantly. We praise and thank God for his marvelous work of the Holy Spirit! I pray that God may bless our New generation conference continually that he may bless our 1st, 2nd, 3rd generations and their offspring to inherit spiritual legacy and faith to grow as Jesus’ disciples and spiritual leaders in Europe. Amen!

3. Co-working and Christmas worship service

Housechurch of 2. gen. Msn. David Shin and Aenna Rebekah Shin became a first family to give birth to 3rd generation in Middle Europe. From that moment I became a grandmother of Paul Isaac Shin. I thank God for giving me joy through my grandson. By God’s grace Msn. Joshua Kang could get a new job at Korean embassy. Also Msn. Maria Kang could open a private tutoring Korean school for preliminary children. Msn. Anna Park is a prayer servant who attends morning devotions and prayerfully co-works in our ministry. Msn. Joshua Kang, Samuel Park and Peter Jeon victoriously overcame their self-supporting ministries and sacrificially co-worked in Czech ministry. Msn. Maria Kang, Anna Park, Petra Jeon and Aenna Rebekah Shin besides raising children also learnt Czech continuously and visited Czech campuses. They also served our New generation conference wholeheartedly. I thank God for their sacrificial co-working throughout this year. 2. gen. Msn. David Shin, Aenna Rebekah Shin, Moses Kang and Somang Kang served with wonderful and graceful music every Sundays.

Our Christmas worship service was set on 19. December. Shp. Ales Máca delivered a graceful message from Mathew 2 “Jesus our King is born”. We invited many of our friends and students and celebrated Jesus’ birth. Especially Msn. David Shin invited his student friends brothers: Honza, Matěj, Josef, Richard and sister Andrea who joined in our service. Also Martin Chládek and sister Lucka who are newly married couple joined freely to our Christmas worship service. Msn. Anna Park prepared a graceful Christmas drama and brother Honza also took part in it. We praise God who has sent us 5 new sheep from Charles University. I pray David Shin may grow as a good Bible teacher for them in upcoming year 2018. We pray that we may approach to new campus students so that they may attend our Sunday worship services and Bible studies regularly to meet Jesus personally! Amen!  

2018 prayer topics

Key verse: Mk 11:22: “‘Have faith in God,’ Jesus answered.”

I repent that due to busy everyday life I couldn’t get up in morning devotions and focus much on our ministry. I pray I may in year 2018 with “Faith in God” serve well Czech ministry, focus on disciple raising and meanwhile do well in business to glorify God.

Prayer topics:

  1. Graceful Sunday messages

  2. Coworkers to study Bible with 1 Czech student and raise disciples

  3. Morning devotions, Daily Bread and Campus outreach

  4. To raise 12 apostles and 12 Mary’s of faith from CVUT (Czech technical university), CZU (Czech agricultural university), UK (Charles university) and VŠE (Czech economical university)

  5. Ales Máca to marry by faith and establish a beautiful house chuch to glorify God!