2018 Santa Cruz II Summer Bible School (1/17-18), BOLIVIA, SOUTH AMERICA

  • by WMD
  • Jan 31, 2018
  • 910 reads


M. Marcos Shin was sent out 22 years ago from Kyung-Hee UBF chapter. He and his House church (M. Ruth, Marcos Jr., and Somang) experienced so many hardships to survive as self-supporting missionaries. After so many ups and downs, M. Marcos is coming out as a refined gold from the hot furnace. His messages and shepherd life move many unmovable Bolivians' hearts. All members have great vision to grow as global leaders, learning English to attend 2018 ISBC.

Marcos Jr has great independent spirit to work hard to support his parents by having his own restaurant business, named "Juanqui, One meal." We studied Isaiah 2 and Isaiah 54 with around 20 members each day. We learned God's vision for each of ourselves and Santa Cruz, Bolivia in Jesus, Mt. Zion and our true husband. We will be exalted as the highest Mount, from which the word flows to the end of the world and wherever all people throng.