One Day's Bible School (El Salvador UBF), SOUTH AMERICA

  • by WMD
  • Jan 25, 2018
  • 1158 reads


M. Isidro

Isaiah 2:2, "In the last days the mountain of the Lord’s temple will be established as the highest of the mountains; it will be exalted above the hills, and all nations will stream to it."

We thank God for His love that sent missionaries from Chicago Headquter UBF as a blessing.

<M. José & Moria Ahn from Chicago Headquarter UBF arrived at EL Salvador and were warmly welcomed by UBF San Salvador members at 8pm, Jan. 14th>

<M. José & Moria Ahn from Chicago Headquarter UBF arrived at EL Salvador and were warmly welcomed by UBF San Salvador members at 8pm, Jan. 14th>

Last Sunday (Jan 14), our group Bible study started promptly at 9am, led by M. José Ahn. He made us read and reread mainly Isaiah 2:1-3. He caught our attention drawing from his heart many treasures of the word of God. Then at 11:00am, we started the Sunday worship service, listening to his message.

Mainly we learned that Jesus is the head of all the mountains. If this Jesus in a place or a person is exalted. If this Jesus is in El Salvador, It or the person shall be exalted. They sang a special hymn; he played flute while M. Maria sang a hymn with Spanish and Korean version. And then Maria Ahn shared her Life Testimony in Spanish.

<After Sunday Worship Service>

We all received the blessing and encouragement to open our spiritual eyes and have a great vision to grow the work of God to send missionaries from El Salvador to all nations, in 20 years. 

One word: El Salvador, Mt. Zion!