Tokyo UBF 30th Anniversary Celebration, ASIA

  • by WMD
  • Jan 23, 2018
  • 1252 reads


Daniel Jeong 

Following 2018 Asia directors' conference, Tokyo UBF held its thanksgiving worship service for Tokyo UBF’s 30th anniversary of pioneering work in Japan on January 7th 2018. Sh. David Kim the former Korea UBF director delivered a message based on Isaiah 54 "Enlarge the place of your tents.”

After the message M. John Kim presented the last 30 years of Tokyo UBF’s pioneering work.

Through this we reflected on the great and amazing work God has done among us for the last 30 years. We give thanks and praise to God. We also renewed our pioneering spirit through the word, "Enlarge the place of your tents."  Personally I was moved by God's abundant blessing upon sinners like me in many ways, using me in his holy mission of Japan’s campus ministry for the last 30 years.    

Especially I thank God that I could begin this new year with new hope and vision depending on the word of God from Joshua 23:10, "One of you routs a thousand, because the Lord your God fights for you, just as he promised. We pray that Japan UBF co-workers may learn the pioneering spirit and faith to enlarge our tents to 47 cities in Japan, and 47 countries in Asia and to the world.  

We held a New Year's conference in Tokyo on January 14, 2018 after the celebration. 

Thank you for your prayer support for Japan ministry.

Daniel Jeong