Kotte UBF Christmas Worship service in Sri Lanka, Asia

  • by WMD
  • Jan 18, 2018
  • 864 reads


Luke Jun

"This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.” (Luke 2:12)

Merry Christmas dear Servants of the Lord!

May the full grace and joy of heaven from the newborn baby Jesus come upon you all!  
We give thanks and render glory to God who richly blessed the 2017 Kotte UBF Christmas worship service on December 25th with 45 attendants. On December 17th Colombo UBF held its Christmas worship service and Kotte UBF supported the worship service with dancing by Zayani, Angeli, Bishow and my family.

At this time Colombia UBF in turn supported the Kotte UBF Christmas worship service through the Strings Trio performance along with special praise by Missionary Barnabas and Missionary Aroma.

When M. Luke Jun delivered the message, “Jesus, the Savior King” on Luke 2:11 sister Zayani interpreted it for those who cannot understand English. Sister Angely gracefully led the worship service as a presider.

Pauline and Samuel served through violin and guitar performances with their given talents from God, giving glory to him.

We pray for Zayani’s mother to be completely healed in the grace of Jesus. She suffered from a severe fever. Please pray for her. Personally I thank and praise God for filling my heart with his incarnated love during my message preparation as I was meditating on the Baby Jesus who gave up all the glory and power of heaven and came down to lie as a tiny baby in a shabby manger for sinners like me.

I pray that I may love Jesus more and more and imitate Christ Jesus in remembrance of his incarnated love and grace from the baby Jesus in a manger. With the love and humility of Christ I pray to serve God’s lost sheep in the campus and our coworkers, and going further to serve 18 Sri Lankan campuses in the future.

In Christ,

Luke Jun