Peru UBF Christmas Worship Service, South America

  • by WMD
  • Dec 27, 2017
  • 843 reads



"…Today in the town of David, a Savior, who is CHRIST the Lord has been born to you." - Luke 2: 10-11 -

Dear P. Abraham Kim

Thank you for your prayers for the history of UBF Peru. This Sunday, December 17, we had our Christmas worship service; the title of the Christmas message was "A Savior has been born to us." People need many things, but we learned that God gave us what we need most; what we, most humans need is a Savior. We give thanks to God for Jesus who is our Savior who was born for each one of us. We give thanks to God for Jesus who came to save us by forgiving our sins on the cross and overcoming death by his resurrection and freeing us from eternal death.

We thank the participants for the Christmas service. This was the first Christmas service at our new Bible center. We thank God for sending his sheep to this Christmas service. The sheep that participated were: Blue, Andrea, Lucero, Joana, Mrs. Margarita, Esteban. At the end of the service, we had a sharing where we could experience a time of peace and joy for Jesus who is our Savior. We thank God for P. Jorge and P. Caty who continue to grow as faithful collaborators in this ministry. Thank God for Jesus who is our Savior.

Thank you again for your prayers for Peru.

God bless you!
