CME Report from Uganda, Africa

  • by WMD
  • Dec 15, 2017
  • 1377 reads

Uganda has a population of 27.6 million with a land area of ​​236,000 square meters. The climate is always spring, and the country is full of rain, and cotton and coffee are the main export items.

The major religions are Christianity 84% (Protestant and Catholic) and Islam 12%. Dr. Livingston Kang, Grace Kang, Dr. Luke Lim (director of BMC), Dr. Rebecca Lim, David and Abigail Lu (from China), Michael Lee and seven other missionaries are serving the ministry of campus and medical mission. Dr. Livingston Kang serves Makerere UBF as director and Shepherd Julius Ikuru serves Kyambogo UBF, which was pioneered by Dr. SY. Now Dr. S and M are pioneering a campus in Ethiopia since 2015. Missionary Dr. Joseph and Missionary Esther Chung served Makerere UBF ministry as one-to-one Bible teachers for seven years and have now returned to the USA.

<Missionaries who attended CME>

<Eating fellowship with 6 leaders from Tyanbogo UBF together with Mekare UBF leaders who prepared United Christmas Worship Service and they served CME as well> The CME team studied the three-lecture series of Ephesians with coworkers at Makerere UBF; then we visited the Kyambogo UBF Bible house on Saturday, and listened to local members. After that we studied with Missionary David and Abigail in the evening. On Saturday morning, six missionaries shared gracious testimonies with us. Mr. Michael Lee said that he was moved by Dr. SY’s mission report and decided to come to Uganda as a computer missionary for hospital ministry. He testified about his miserable life from a broken family background and how the Lord has healed him. He wants to experience the Lord’s continuous healing and spiritual restoration. Missionary Luke Lim wanted to live a daily life with the guidance of the Holy Spirit through God’s word and prayer, not just as a hard worker, as the director of Bethesda Medical Center (BMC). Missionary Dr. Livingston Kang set his new direction based on Galatians 5:16, “Walk by the Spirit” day by day.
Prayer topics:

1) Rwanda pioneering work by missionary Deborah and Daniel Yang
2) One to one Bible study and discipleship ministry
3) United Christmas worship service at Kyambogo UBF center
4) Makerere UBF new center building and expansion of BMC
5) 2018 International Summer Bible Conference and for Dr, Abraham Kim