Thailand Fall Conference News, Asia

  • by WMD
  • Dec 04, 2017
  • 1017 reads

On October 28th and 29th of 2017 Thailand UBF held their fall disciple conference. The conference was held amid the national funeral days in Thailand whose people were wearing the black livery of grief throughout the nation. In this dark atmosphere under the power of death the gospel light showed on all attendees of the conference through the life giving words and powerful praises.

On the first night, Sh. Luke delivered the opening message. The message was powerful and well received, with the title "I would like to read the Bible." based on 2 Timothy 3:15-17.His message was simple and easy to understand. He encouraged our members to always make time in order to focus on Bible reading. His message made me believe that he was truly leadership material, he has a talent for delivering message and deep understanding about the word of God as well. Anna and Arada (Daughters of Sh. Mongkon) performed a beautiful violin duet. We thank God for their faithfully serving our Sunday worship service through music.M. Deborah delivered a special lecture; how to effectively read the Bible. This was followed by the evening message “Bible is easy for everyone to understand”. The message was shared by M. David Lee encouraging all attendees to participate in Bible reading.The next day on Sunday morning we had GBS based on the main lecture (Heb12). And sh. Monkon delivered a graceful message. He has been faithful in the race of faith for last 20 years overcoming all kinds of difficulties such as his health and problems with his children,  etc. I pray that God may preciously use him for Thailand campus ministry as a powerful servant of God.

I thank God for the work of the Holy Spirit encouraging all attendees to have a new desire to read the Bible and to finish their race of faith through this short conference. We plan to have a special thanksgiving worship in November and Christmas worship service in December. 

Banseok Lee