Cme Report From Botswana

  • by WMD
  • Nov 30, 2017
  • 1281 reads

Botswana is a country in the west of South Africa with a population of about 2.25 million. The main sources of income are diamonds, cattle export and tourism; the GDP is $17,918, and the main religion is 80% Christianity. The country is relatively safe and political leaders are honest and yet impoverished.

There is only one UBF missionary family: Timothy Chung (director) and Deborah Chung. They have been serving Botswana campus mission for the past 16 years. Timothy Chung’s profession is teaching Taekwondo as self-reliance. (Missionaries after CME) 

But these days, government offers free Taekwondo instruction to people so Missionary Timothy Chung has confronted a big challenge. From one year ago Missionary Deborah Chung works at a Korean auto parts dealer to help support the family.

The CME team, as elsewhere, had CME schedules and helped to solve difficult problems through God’s word, and Missionary Sarah Sunji shared fellowship with Missionary Deborah through cooking together. They struggled sincerely to be renewed in God’s holy mission for Botswana campus students. They pray that God may establish Sejonghakdang Academy for self-support.

In such a critical situation, with never giving up spirit, they have been working hard at fishing and engaging in one to one Bible study. Two sisters, Keamogetse and Lucia, invited their four siblings of 2 brothers and 2 sisters, and the Sunday worship service attendants has increased to 8 members from this year.  (Sunday Worship Service) 
(Sunday Worship Service) 

Four out of eight brothers are receiving training to be raised as disciples.  (Brother messenger team) 

 (Dr. John & Sarah Jun) 

Prayer Topics:

1)  Four brothers to grow as disciples.

2)  Sejonghakdang to be established and Missionary Deborah may be a professor there.

3)  Missionary Timothy Chung’s Taekwondo business to grow by God’s blessing.  

4) 2018 ISBC in USA.