Prayer Request from Depok UBF, Indonesia

  • by WMD
  • Nov 28, 2017
  • 1229 reads

A good news of establishing a house church between Franky and Juwita

 A good news of establishing a house church between brother Franky and sister Juwita that will be held on Dec 2nd, 2017 at Depok UBF center. M. Peter Lee will officiate the wedding with the word based on 1Cor 13:4." This is the third of establishing house church among Depok ministry since we have been praying for 5 house churches in 2017. Please continue to pray for establishing 5 house churches in Depok UBF.

Yesterday we had a service of  thanksgiving on Sunday with the word on John21. We thank God for richly blessing us to deeply learn about the good shepherd Jesus in John's gospel for last 47 weeks. We all also were moved by Jesus' everlasting love in John's gospel and each one made a decision to feed sheep as a shepherd.  

On Dec 17th, we will also have an Indonesia UBF joint Christmas worship service. Please pray for messenger M. Barnabas Kim (Ppasar Mingku UBF). After then there Indonesia missionary and second gens conference will be held on Dec 23-25. From Korea Sh. Moses Kim (Anam UBF) will come for the conference.

Please continue to pray for all the events to give glory to God with much fruits in the Lord. 

Peter Lee