New Missionary Sent to Bogota, Colombia

  • by WMD
  • Oct 25, 2017
  • 1143 reads

New Chapter in Venezuela (Margarita) and New missionary family sent to Bogota, Colombia:

On September 10th, the last day of our 1st Conference, by the grace of God, S. Alirio and Yenny Rosales with 3 children (Emanuel, Aaron and Juan) have been sent to pioneer a new chapter in Margarita (Venezuela Island). In Margarita are UDO and other university centers. They served faithfully and powerfully in Caracas ministry during more than 10 years, leading the discipleship program during the last 3 years, being very fruitful. Now God calls them to be a blessing to Margarita Students. Let’s keep praying for their self-supporting (They have a family business in manufacture and sales of clothes for ladies, S. Alirio is also International Chef). Let´s also pray that we can raise a UBF Chapter in each state of Venezuela.

<Picture of 1st family worship service in Margarita>

On September 28th, after the 2nd Conference, we have sent a beautiful house church, Maria Teresa and Rodrigo and their daughter Diana, to Bogota, Colombia. In the year 2015, in the Latin American International Conference, Maria accepted the calling to be a missionary. Rodrigo also received the calling to be a missionary this year. The Company where Maria works as computer promoted her to a good position in Bogota (a new project). God has opened each door necessary for them to move by the end of September. Every of us can see that this is the will of God. Glory to God. Rodrigo has an income for the rent of his apartment and other properties in Canada, where he lived for many years before return to Venezuela. He also is going to look for some job, proper to his major, Electrical Engineering. Let’s pray that they can be good coworkers in the ministry of UBF Bogota with M. Andrew Park’s family and participate in the work of make disciples of Jesus among the university students in Colombia.

<Pictures of Maria T, Rodrigo and Diana with Park family in Bogota, after 1st Sunday worship service:>