2017 West Africa Regional Conference in Nigeria

  • by WMD
  • Sep 22, 2017
  • 1059 reads

(Col 1:27)

In total, 159 persons participated in the West Africa Regional Conference with the title, “The Hope of Glory (Col 1:27).” There were 4 from USA, 7 from Korea, 7 from Ghana, 35 from Lagos I, 36 from Lagos II, 18 from medical school and 52 from Yabatech.

The opening message was from Luke 15:1-7 and was delivered by Shep. Joseph. The title was “Heaven Rejoices!” Jesus loves all sinners and wants us to come to him. God has great love for sinners and rejoices when one sinner repents. Joseph struggled to stay away from his poverty-stricken life situation. He also was a legalistic person. He repented his sins. May God help him to live up to His calling. The evening message “In the Footsteps of Abraham" was from Romans 4:1-24 delivered by Sebastian. Abraham had simple, obedient and challenging faith. He trusted God's leading and obeyed His call. God made his descendants as sources of blessings. He chose to hold on to God's promises. Testimony sharers were Linda from Ghana, Joshua Kim from Kwanak 3, Underwood Moon from Yuljon and William Lasen from LA. God helped us to begin with a powerful spirit. Thank God for his mercy upon us.

On the 2nd day, Shep. Tayo gave a message “Greater Glory” based on Romans 8:18-39. “Our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.” While we live on earth, we have to carry our cross. We suffer for the sake of the gospel and keep our hope of the heavenly glory. The world is not our home but we are only passing through. We must live for the glorious kingdom of God with hope of eternal glory. Tayo had to work hard to get everything. He hated to depend on anyone, and was burdened if anyone depended on him. But when he met Christ, he accepted the call of God for one-to-one Bible studies with campus students. He cried out for denying his governorship for campus mission. He is praying to be a lecturer in the University of Lagos. He married Shepherdess Easter who graduated from medical school by faith. He started the Mustard Seed Fellowship serving 4 brothers and 4 sisters for the glory of God.  We then had a special lecture on effective one to one Bible study given by Missionary David Kim from Indianapolis.

The evening message entitled, “Be Born Again” based on John 3:1-21 was delivered by Shep Abraham. Nicodemus came to Jesus at night. Jesus said, “No one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.” Jesus wanted Nicodemus to accept Jesus who was going to be hung on the cross for his salvation. Shep Abraham Owoeye was once a Muslim. But he met Jesus Christ and accepted the campus mission through Bible studies. He takes charge of Lagos II. Sisters Mercy, Gifts and Ester also shared testimonies.

On the 3rd day, Shep Samuel delivered a message “Look Forward to the Day of God” based on 2 Peter 3:1-34. We ought to live holy and godly lives as we look forward to the day of God and speed its coming. We must grow in the knowledge of our Savior Jesus Christ. Shep. Samuel wants to grow as a Bible teacher. He is a faithful leader in Yabatech chapter. The evening message, “Whom Shall I Send?” based on Isaiah 6:1-13 was delivered by Shep. John Fatoyinbo. The prophet Isaiah saw the glory of God and his guilt was taken away and his sin atoned for. He accepted the will of God and mission to preach the message to the Israelites. Shep. John Fatoyinbo was one a Muslim. He met Christ Jesus and accepted the campus mission but he was persecuted severely. However he kept his faith and became a remnant. He is taking charge of Lagos Chapter I. After that there were short reports on the pioneering work of Shep. Maria’s family in Kaduna state and Shep. Bimbo’s family in Calabar state.

On the 4rd day, the message was “Fight the Good Fight of Faith” based on 1Tim 6:3-21 delivered by Shep. Gbenga. Apostle Paul charged his spiritual son Timothy to fight the good fight of faith. In this way they will store up treasure for themselves for the coming age. Shep. Gbenga lived an unproductive life as an immoral and wayward man. But he met Jesus and started to live in the brothers’ tent. Even though he left the ministry, he came back to live for the campus souls.

Pastor Abraham Kim gave us vision to pioneer West and North Africa by the power of the Holy Spirit.

This conference was organized mainly by Nigerian leaders. They even raised the funds by themselves for the 2017 West African Regional Conference. In this sense, the succession of leadership to native leaders was confirmed and was successful. However, they have a sense of problem that they need to endeavor to confront and help growing leaders’ struggles in order to raise them as Bible teachers for campus mission. Also, they should challenge students to accept the gospel of Jesus as an absolute direction. In light of this, we have a new prayer topic to have a missionary training center in Nigeria.