2017 Japan UBF Joint SBC Report

  • by WMD
  • Sep 20, 2017
  • 1115 reads

“Moving Forward by Faith”

M. Daniel Jeong

 “Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go. (Joshua 1:7)

I Praise God from my heart for the abundant blessing upon the Japan summer conference with full grace, repentance and thanksgiving, which was held on August 10-13. I am thankful for all the prayers from all the servants of God throughout the world.

I also thank God for Sh. Moses Lee Korea UBF director who gave a special lecture based on the passage of Ruth and for the 3 shepherds from Gwangju UBF chapters 1,2,3 who took care of our children during the conference and serving the CBF through piano music as well. The Total number of attendees were 129 including 46 CBF, JBF and BBF along with six attendants from Korea.

The JBF/CBF conference was also held at the same time. It's theme was “Lets Help people with good will.” M. Ezra Park served the conference through planning the programs and messenger training as well.

Overall, from the beginning to the end our Joint conference program focused well on “Moving forward life with faith” based on the conference theme. I thank God for encouraging us all to move forward by faith in the gospel, not shrinking back through the study of Joshua giving us a clear spiritual direction.

As for Japan ministry I have three thanksgiving topics to God. First, I thank God for enabling us to have a joint conference with all Japan missionaries and second gens, native shepherds and sheep gathering together in Jesus' love. Especially Japan native shepherds and second gens willingly participated in the programs. The three main speakers were Japanese shepherds and three evening messengers were UBF second gens. Not only they served messages but they also served the conference through performing in the drama and hosted the meetings as well.

Second, I thank God for he has done beautiful things among us through the conference that 6 people were baptized and sending 4 short-term missionaries which gave us world mission vision.   

Third, through the conference I really thank God as I was moved by seeing all the Japan UBF members and second gen’s wonderful co-working and growing in the grace and love of Christ Jesus. They are still young spiritually but I see that God is mightily working in them and leading them to move forward with faith.

We pray that God may continue to help us to move forward with faith in serving one to one discipleship ministry so that we can be used by God for the pioneering of 47 city campuses in Japan and for 47 Asian nations.