2017 Kotte UBF First Half Year Mission Report

  • by WMD
  • Sep 12, 2017
  • 1118 reads

“I will also make you a light for the Gentiles, that my salvation may reach to the ends of the earth” (Isaiah 49:6b)

At the beginning of the new year 2017 God gave us a word the 2017 key verse for Kotte UBF;  “But the Lord said to Ananias, “Go! This man is my chosen instrument to proclaim my name to the Gentiles and their kings and to the people of Israel (ACTS 9:15)

We depended on this key verse as we were praying for the young campus souls of Sri Lanka. God blessed us to have an intimate loving relationship with the new sheep; Angeli, Zayani and Sora Lee. Through one to one Bible study, Korean language study and  the “Korea –Lanka Day” meetings they became faithful to the meetings.  Zayani and Angeli brought their friends and relatives to our meetings and prepared traditional foods to share at the meetings.

On Sunday, April 2nd at the second meeting of Korea-Lamka Day there was a swearing in ceremony of new Bible teacher Sora Lee.  At that time she also was given a new Christian name as Pauline Lee.

We thank God for the saving grace upon Pauline Lee through the word from Acts 26:18, “to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me.” Through the word she accepted God’s calling to serve Sri-Lanka campus mission as a student missionary. Since the beginning of August 2017, she came to stay with my family she and my nephew have participated in one to one Bible study. She shared her heart moving life testimony with amazing grace, love and forgiveness at the meeting. After accepting God’s calling she has tremendously transformed into a new creation in the Lord giving up of her old sinful life and participating in campus ministry since she entered at ACBT(Australia College  Business Technology) in Sri Lanka.

As my wife and I continually went to the University of Sri Jayewardenepura in the hot weather about 35C (95F), inviting them to our home to teach Korean language and Bible study. Through this we could establish and build relationships with the students and the numbers have increased. Among them Zayani, Angeli and Pauline were faithful to the meetings and to our Sunday worship service.

When the Holy Spirit was working mightily among us Satan also began to work through our building landlord. Recently our landlord suddenly increased our monthly rent from $350.00 to $700.00 demanding us to pay it beginning from this September 2017. This increase is something we couldn’t afford.  We were discouraged for a while but we are struggling to pray earnestly to overcome the financial difficulties by faith and hope of the eternal kingdom of God. We believe that in this difficulty God has a good will and plan for us. Please pray that God may provide us necessary materials and search for a suitable worship place for a lower rental price including 3 bedrooms for my family.

In this situation God may help us to well take care of the sisters Zayani and Angeli so that they can meet Jesus personally and grow in the love and grace of Jesus as disciples of Jesus by the help of the Holy Spirit.   

I also pray that God may continue to help me hold on to the promised word, “ A light for gentiles” Isaiah 49:6b and use me as his chosen instrument  for young campus souls and for 18 campuses pioneering work in Sri Lanka in the future. May God continue to transform us including Sh. Pauline Lee, sisters Zayani and Angeli as a light for the Gentiles through Mark’s gospel study and the Sunday messages.   

Personally I pray for my mother’s salvation who is 91 years old and was recently hospitalized at the Jeju medical center. I pray for my children Samuel and Daniel to meet Jesus personally and grow in the Lord to be used by God as second generation missionaries in the future.

By God’s grace on August 5-7 Colombo UBF and Kotte UBF participated in a joint summer conference at Atthurugiriya. We prayed for this historical Sri Lanka joint summer conference. Kotte UBF also prayed for 12 attendees to the conference. We always thank you for your intermediate prayer support for us.

Luke Jun