2017 Africa Northern Regional Conference Report

  • by WMD
  • Sep 11, 2017
  • 1247 reads

Participate Jesus’ suffering.

Praise and thanks be to God for blessing Africa Northern Region Bible conference richly which was held in Juba, South Sudan on August 11–13/2017. The title was "Participate in Jesus’s suffering" Although we pray for 70 attendance God send 94 People to the conference 84 adult and 10 children including two from USA, two from South Africa, four from Korea, and seven from Egypt and one from Uganda.

Dr. Oyor Moses delivered an opening message “Like Eden" based on Ezekiel 36: 25-38. He encourages us to keep God laws in our heart and obey them so that we may receive God blessing. Shepherd Phillip Angelo delivered main message (I) "God so Loved the World." based on John 3: 1- 21. Shepherd Philip Angelo is brother of late sh. Peter who was killed during civil war in Malakal 2014, he confess and share his live testimony that he was sinner addicted to drank, smoked and adultery but after studying the Bible he was able to be born again by Jesus blood. Now his house church is serving UBF as financial secretary.

Shepherd Elia Peter delivered main message (II) "Participate in Jesus’s suffering" Based on 2 Corinthians 1: 1-14. In his message he reflect south Sudan situation many South Sudanese think that God did not care about them at all. But the Lord indeed has seen the misery of people in South Sudan. He heard them crying out because of war famine and in justice. God is concerned about our sufferings. Surely, God will come down to rescue us. Shepherd Elia Peter was leader of robber group in Juba long time ago but by God grace he was changed to be shepherd who takes care of sheep sacrificing his time, Money and effort to help student. Praise God who changes meaningless man to shepherd Elia.

Shepherd Ayman Ghawy from Cairo UBF delivered main message (III) “Be Shepherd of God’s Flock “based on 1 peter 5: 1-12. He manifest Egypt situation in details. Egyptian Christians are suffering because of terrorism and Islamic fundamentalist. The churches are being exploded. They targeted Christian homes and kidnapping Christian women and ladies. Christians are minority in Egypt. They are only about 20% of the population. They straggle continually to gain their right in unjust Islamic dominated society. Atheistic is growing rapidly in Egypt because of evil behavior of Islamic groups like Daash and Al Qaeda against humanity. People in Egypt economic situation are very bad this year. Price of commodities is very high. As such, many people were tempted in dishonest gain. People of Egypt are wondering needs shepherd to watch over them.

Dr. Abraham Kim delivered closing message “You Will be my Witnesses” based on Act 1: 1- 8. Geumchul In from Korea (Filling myself with Christ’s suffering) and Hana Bader from Egypt (feed my lams) delivered graceful life testimonies. 

In the last day after Sunday worship services all the attendance moved to Juba UBF Bible House for dedication services.Dr. Abraham Kim delivered Bible house dedication message “A Spiritual House for a Holy Priesthood” based on 1peter 2: 4- 5. Msn Daniel Rhee from wits UBF in Johannesburg South Africa delivered congratulatory message “The Lecture Hall of Tyrannous” based on Act 19: 8- 11.

Through the conference, God the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort had comforted us in our sufferings. Our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that we will be revealed in us. For example Ayman Gave us how Christian Egyptians are prosecuted Dr. Abraham Kim gave us mission direction to pray and move northward to pioneer Northeastern Africa, Arab countries and to the end of the earth. In this conference God blessed us with 12 new bible students who joyfully decided to join our bible study. May God raise them as 12 disciples of Jesus? Thank God for granting us such a graceful and beautiful conference.

Prayer topics:


1. Pray for Ayman and Mamdouh to grow as excellent Bible teacher and fathers of all Egypt.
2. Faithful bible study and worship services every week
3. To raise Ehaab, Isaac and Mina as disciples of Jesus in Asyut ministry
4. Hana and Evon to grow as mothers of prayer for Egypt and Arab world.
5. To find UBF center in Assuit
6. Pioneering 33 Universities in Egypt.
7. Egypt UBF to send 3 missionary by the year 2041.

South Sudan:

1. May God use SWS massager to deliver word of God every week powerfully
2. May God raise our 10 leaders as strong and excellent Bible teacher for campus students
3. 30 1:1 and worship service attendance every week
4. Raise 12 disciples by the year 2020
5. Establish two house church within 3 years
6. Reestablishment of Khartoum ministry- Sudan in God time
7. Peace in south Sudan to Reestablish Malakal Chapter
8. Pioneer 5 major universities in South Sudan.