Panama UBF Church Dedication Report

  • by WMD
  • Sep 01, 2017
  • 1272 reads


Joshua 24:15: “But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as chfor me and my household, we will serve the Lord.”

On Aug 16th our family moved to a new apartment at San Francisco, in Panama City. This apartment is very close to the Omar Park, the biggest recreational park of Panama City. Six years ago we arrived to Panama and we have been living by lease in several places so far. We have always lived in El Cangrejo, the area where the biggest campus of the National University of Panama is. But this area is very expensive to buy an apartment and the apartments we can afford in this area are not adequate for our family and ministry.

Five years ago we signed a contract and started to pay an apartment which was in building process, but we had several legal issues with the contractor and at the beginning of this year, we decided to give up this apartment five years later. We felt very disappointed because of this situation, but we trust that in all things God works for the good of those who love him (Rom. 8:28).

So we started to look for a new apartment and found this place at San Francisco, which was a bargain. Even though it is not close to the National University of Panama, it is only 15 minutes away by car, and we thought we can still serve the students in this place. So we decided to buy this apartment.

On Aug 20th we held our very first Sunday Worship Service in this new place. So we decided to stop lectures in Romans and had a special lecture based on Joshua 24 entitled: “I and My Household will serve the Lord,” in order to dedicate this apartment to the place to serve the Lord. Although this place is a little far from the campus, and it is very small comparing with the places, at which we were before, I and my household will continue serving the Lord here and wherever we are. This new apartment will be always open for the students and for all of the members of our ministry.

Attached is the picture we took as a memorial like Joshua set up the large stone under the oak in that day. In the picture are from left to right: Karen (Accounting), Dario (Port Logistics), Sharon (M. Maria’s step-sister), our youngest daughter Maria Celeste (3 years old), M. Josue, our oldest daughter Victoria (7 years old), M. Maria, Alirio Rosales (M. Maria’s father), and Audis (Civil Engineer). All of us are regular attendants to the SWS. Dario and Audis are having 1:1 Bible Study with M. Josue every week. Karen is doing so with M. Maria.

The Lord gave us a fresh start from this year and we are rebuilding our ministry from scratch. The Lord has also blessed us abundantly while we are learning the Epistle to Romans preached by M. Josue. We had learned so much about God’s love and grace thru the Bible and thru our own experience. We are praying to serve better to Panamanian students from this new place. Please support us in praying.

Prayer Topics:             

1. Panama becomes into a Kingdom of Priests and Holy Nation.
2. M. Josue and M. Maria study the Bible with at least one student each week.
3. Raise one Abraham and one Sarah of faith.
4. May Dario, Karen and Audis be faithful to the 1:1 Bible Study and the SWS every week.
5. M. Juan Baek be filled with God’s wisdom to lead the ministry.
6. Baek’s family be healthy and safe in Venezuela.
7. M. Josue preach powerful and heart-moving messages thru the Epistle to Romans each Sunday.
8. May the Lord be merciful to Venezuela and give repentance to the rulers.
9. Our family, Dario, Karen and Audis attend 2018 ISBC in Louisville, USA.

P.S.: our new address is San Francisco, Calle 74E, P.H. Sky Blue Tower, Panama City, Panama, Panama.

Reported by M. Josue Gutierrez (