2017 Anam1 UBF Summer Conference Report

  • by WMD
  • Aug 22, 2017
  • 1400 reads

“I will make you into a great nation,
    and I will bless you;
I will make your name great,
    and you will be a blessing” (Gen 12:2)

On July14~17, Anam1 UBF held its Genesis summer Bible conference at Gwanglim Seminar House in Pochon, Kyeonggi province, Korea. The theme of the conference was “You will be a blessing”, and 9 lectures were given from the book of Genesis. In total, 232 persons attended (125 of laymen, 34 students and 73 second gens). We thank God for the increase of student attendees from 20 (2016) to 34 (2017). In the past, our second gens were not interested in attending summer conference, but since we prepared special programs for children with games and word of God, they were eagerly waiting for it because they could enjoy it while having fun in nature.  Most of all, to hold Genesis Bible conference was new and a great challenge for us because in the previous years we usually took Bible passages from the New Testaments. But through studying the book of Genesis, we could deeply learn about the gospel truth of the cross and were greatly moved.

The lectures and messengers are as follow:

Opening message “God created the heavens and the earth” (Gen1:1-25, Sung-kyu Kim)/ Evening lecture1, “God was so pleased” (Gen1:26-2:3 Gideon Kim)

/ Main lecture1 “ Where are you?” (Gen3:1-24, Gwang-ho Choi )

/ Afternoon special lecture1 “ Go in to the ark” (Gen6:1-11:9, Hae-hyun Kim)

/ Evening lecture2 “Leave your country and be a blessing” (Gen12:1-15:21, Abraham Lee who was sent to Oklahoma USA as a student missionary at the end of July 2017)

/ Main lecture2 “Sacrifice your only son as a burnt offering” (Gen20:1-22:19, Gwangho Lee) / Afternoon special lecture 2 “Stay in this land (Gen 23:1-28:5, Isaac Kim)/ Evening lecture3 “ Wherever you go” (Gen28:6-35:29, Jae-hun Lee) / Main lecture3 “God who sent me” (Gen 37:1-50:26, Oh-Kyu Noh).

Through studying the book of Genesis, we learned about the God of creation, the God of redemption, and my personal God. We also could see God’s creation, the world, full of beauty, wisdom and divine glory through video presentations which were given 5 minutes before each lecture.

In the book of Genesis, the gospel and the God of Abraham and of Isaac and of Jacob is revealed very well. Especially, we could learn about God’s great love and his grace of redemption toward sinners like us and for the world, through the events in the Garden of Eden, the ark of Noah and the sacrifice of Isaac like the cross of Jesus. We thank our Creator God for calling us to follow him by faith holding onto his promises and vision.   

During the conference Msn. Wesley Bae (New York UBF) and his two daughters Hyun-ji and Yoon-ji (both college students) shared their graceful mission and life testimonies that touched all attendants’ hearts. During the evening meeting,  about 10 students presented a pantomime titled “The bus in my heart” that inspired us all to humbly accept Jesus Christ as Lord of our lives.    

As usual, Anam 1 and 2 joint vision orchestra team (40 members) performed Beethoven and other high level music and made the conference filled with joy.

After the program, our student team went whitewater rafting on a river and had an exciting time and fellowship together in Kangwon Province.

Upon our return from the conference, when we had time to evaluate the conference, Sh. Gwang-ho Choi (lecture1, Where are you”) was selected as the best, heart-moving speaker among the messengers.  His message was fresh and lively opening up the hearts of all attendants, revealing God’s great mercy and compassion on sinners. The reason he could do it well was that he has a great shepherd heart, understanding well the agony of young teenagers and their parents’ struggles since he has been working as a middle school teacher.

We thank and praise God for refreshing our faith in the Creator God, cross of Jesus and personal God through the Genesis Bible conference.  

John Bach Lee