2017 Belize UBF SBC Report

  • by WMD
  • Aug 14, 2017
  • 1152 reads

 Belize UBF had a Summer Bible Conference in August 4-6 at the Mountain View Camp. The theme was “You Give Them Something to Eat”(Mark 6:37a). We learned Jesus’ compassionate shepherd heart and 5 loaves and 2 fish faith. When we offer what we have by faith, the Lord can do great work in feeding many campus students and serving world campus mission.

 4 messengers served powerful messages: Shp. Peter Dianell Bracket—“Get up! Pick up your mat and walk”(John 5:8). When we obey Jesus’ word, we are healed and become powerful and dynamic people. Dillon Leal delivered the main message from Mark 6 with  sincere faith. Darren Leal delivered, “To whom shall we go?”(John 6:68). Except Jesus, no one else has the words of  eternal life. M. Augustine Park from Washington UBF delivered, “Jesus, the good shepherd”(John 10), with wonderful illustrations. We had 2 Daily Bread messengers: Melanie Lammey and Aaron Gentle.

 7 Life testimony sharers are: Aaron, Alden, Angelica, Krystal, Lindy, Grace (Washington) and Caleb (Washington). We could see our God working in their lives. God is living and working among us for the salvation of the world through Jesus Christ. 5 group Bible study leaders are: Melanie, Shannelle, Shennell, Krystal and Angelica. Thank God for Krystal and Angelica who attended the Conference first time, but led GBS well. They are the faithful Bible students growing to be powerful Bible teachers.

 We thank God for Washington UBF Mission team. They served praise and worship, a skit and dancing, life testimonies and the message. They made a good spiritual environment. 10 short term missionaries came, and we were able to bring more than double number of Belizean people to the conference. In total, 43 attended, including 10 STMs.

 Thank God for M. Sarah’s hard work to serve group Bible teachers, mission team, and the conference. Thank God for our mothers: Thelma(Aaron’s mom), Shenny(Shannelle), Alma (Shennell), Michelle(Dillon), who served delicious Belizean food with love. Thank God for Washington UBF coworkers, who pray and support us, and for the prayers of Chicago and world mission coworkers. May God bless Regional Bible Conferences in Africa: North, South and West, and other conferences!

In His grace,

Moses Chang