2017 Korea UBF World Mission Directors and Treasurers Meeting Report

  • by WMD
  • Jul 07, 2017
  • 1106 reads

On June 6, Korea UBF held its national world mission directors’ and treasurers’ meeting with the theme "To finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me " at Jongro UBF center in Seoul Korea.

Its purpose of the meeting was for the world mission directors and treasurers to renew their clear identity as servants who were given mission from God.  

The meeting started at 11:30am with graceful and deep GBS divided in 4 groups. Through the study we could confirm that it is worth living as servants of God renewing our mission in this corrupt generation that just rushing into the materials. 

From 1.00-2.00 pm all who came from local chapters in Korea had a loving lunch fellowship together. 

At 2.00 pm M. Peter Park ( Nigeria) gave a main message "To finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me". He is an example of missionaries, who did not spare his life for his missionary work in Nigeria.  Through the lecture he made a clear decision to serve God's mission all the more in the rest of his life. 

At 3.00 pm M. Seongho Kim (OMF - guest speaker) gave a special lecture entitled "Present condition and future direction of East & North Asia Mission Work" along with his graceful testimony. He had been serving successful ministry in a rural area in Japan raising many disciples of Jesus establishing 3 pioneering churches in Japan. He served God's ministry with a clear self-confident that he serves the best mission field that God has given him though he was serving in a rural remote area. Finally his churches became famous among the Japan missionaries that many came to visit on the spot study. Through his testimonial lecture we all learned about his faith, self-confident and pride in serving God's ministry and we were moved by and renewed our faith and mission spirit.

Regarding C nation mission strategy he suggested that we need to approach them in a practical way of helping what they need as being professionals because they are pursuing a pragmatic state. And from him we heard about North Korean's world view and we also could understand of the people under the brutal regime of the dictator. 

At the end of the lecture he introduced about OME mission work. Especially he stressed about the words " Faith Mission" " The Spiritual Legacy of Self Supporting Mission"  that how they are trying to carry their spiritual legacy and how they will also success and develop it in answering to after questioning about their ministry from Sh. David Kim's( Korea UBF director). By this we could learn that every active ministry has fundamentally a great spirit to advance its work. 

At the end Sh. David Kim encouraged all world mission directors and treasurers to be a source of great blessing to each chapter because God works through the one person, the source of blessing who has God's heart and prays for. He also announced about Africa regional international conferences and gave prayer topics.

Caleb Kim (Korea UBF world mission department)