Odessa Conference Report

  • by WMD
  • Jun 29, 2017
  • 1415 reads

Thank you for your love and prayer in His grace.

I would like to report about our bible conference held in Sanatoria Kobliba near Odessa during May 18-21.

We had prayer meetings for two months preparing choruses and special songs by fellowships and by teams. The title of the conference was “My Lord, My God.”

The lectures are;
Message 1: John 1:1-14, “Jesus is God” delivered by Shepherd Gennady 
Message 2: Mark 2:1-17, “Jesus gives a new life to sinners” by Shepherd Augustine
Message 3: Luke 23, “Father, Forgive them” by Shepherd Matthew
Message 4: John 20, “My Lord, My God” by Shepherd Piotr
Message 5: Mark 13, “You will see the Son of Man coming” by Shepherdess Alysha
Message 6: Revelation 1, “I am the Alpha and the Omega” by Shepherd Moses
Message 7: Psalm 1: Blessed is the one” by Shepherd David

The seven lay shepherds and shepherdess have grown as good messengers through message preparation with reciting the whole passage and meditating on God’s word from one month ahead of the conference.

Every morning we started a new day with stretching exercise followed by group bible study, message listening, testimony writing and then sharing. There was a great God’s work that all attendants accepted Jesus and confessed the risen Christ as “My Lord, My God” with heart moving joy.

Most marvelous blessing was that 11 students who were trained for last 2 – 3 years accepted God’s calling as a shepherd and received imposition of hands.

We pray that they may grow to be good shepherds for college students of this generation.

Total attendants was 80 (2 from Kiev and 3 from Dnepropetrovsk)

Brother Dima Park who has been studying the Bible for two years attended together with his wife and two sons (Yuri, Slavic). This family donated UBF T-shirts for the conference, which comforted us a lot.

The last night we glorified God with a drama and a campfire (Sausage barbeque).

In every announcement time we shouted with one voice, “The Risen Christ is My Lord, My God!”, greeting each other.

I confess the Risen Christ is my Lord and my God who is sitting on the right hand of God, living together with us and residing in us. I praise the Lord, who accepted our confession.

I pray that God’s Gospel works may prosper in power with all CIS chapters.

John Lee