Venezuela UBF Report

  • by WMD
  • Jun 01, 2017
  • 1363 reads

                                                                                                          by Leibins Rivas

    During this difficult time our church in Caracas has decided to go out to preach the word of God more than ever. They have received deep faith in God’s word based on Ezekiel 37: 4-5 which say, “Then he said to me, “Prophesy to these bones and say to them, ‘Dry bones, hear the word of the Lord! 5 This is what the Sovereign Lord says to these bones: I will make breath enter you, and you will come to life.” Pastor Gustavo sees Venezuela like the valley of dry bones. Our people have lost hope and feel spiritually dead. He has gone with many brothers and sisters to preach God’s word boldly to people during times of protesting on the streets. P. Gustavo has even decided to preach the gospel to the national security guards whose hearts are hard. These guards aren’t afraid to violently attack protesters. Protests often erupt in violence. However, Pastor Gustavo has had the heart to preach to them, too. The outcome has been surprising. The national guards and police have listened to the gospel with an open heart. Some have decided to follow Jesus; others have cried during the preaching and others have confessed their sins in private to Pastor Gustavo. Some police-men have asked for prayer, requesting that God may help them fight against evil thoughts when confronting protesters.  We thank God for Pastor Gustavo and the brothers and sisters in Venezuela who have demonstrated a shepherd heart to help people at this time. They are preaching with great perseverance and enthusiasm that comes from God. They are praying for a spiritual revival in Venezuela and to see the kingdom of God come mightily to Venezuela. Amen!!

    Currently there are two groups of Bible teachers going out to preach. One goes to the protests, in which there are many college students fighting for the freedom of the nation and fighting for their own future. Other groups go to the university campuses to preach the gospel to students who are willing to hear God’s word. Early this week one brother went to visit his 4 friends from college, who are imprisoned for protesting against the government. In Venezuela it is very dangerous to visit the prisoners in jail; however, he went by faith and with a shepherd heart to carry the message of hope through the word of God to all of them and even brought some food for them. Then the students asked for prayer support for their release.

    The brothers and sisters have been going to preach the gospel at the major campuses in Caracas every day. They feel like an army of God participating in the spiritual warfare through proclaiming the message of salvation. They have contacted many students. They are very motivated and have great faith to go to the campus to save souls in the midst of the crisis that Venezuela is going through. So far they have preached to 110 students, 80 national security guards and some protesters.  There is not enough food or medicine in the country, but the brothers have great eagerness and determination to carry the message of God to many students. They are having daily prayer meetings at the church at 6pm. As a result of their prayer and preaching, new students have participated in the Sunday worship service and have begun Bible study. Praise God!

    Despite the crisis that our country is experiencing, the church in Venezuela is sending out missionaries to other nations. Last year God sent three families to support the ministries of Argentina, Chile and Ecuador. [Pause to name missionaries] God is using the economic and political crisis and all problems in this difficult time to spread his kingdom through his Venezuelan servants. They are working very well in their mission field and are supporting the missionaries in each chapter. God is using Venezuelans to participate in his work of salvation.

Prayer topics

  • For the Lord to work through His Word in the hearts of Venezuelans so that many young people, officials, security guards, and police-men may turn to Christ in this time of crisis.

  • For the repentance of the nation, for democracy to be restored, and for God to raise leaders that fear God and his justice.

  • For the church to continue having spiritual strength to proclaim the Word of God with power on the campuses and on the streets.

  • For Venezuela to be used as a kingdom of priests and a missionary-sending nation in the midst of the crisis.