Puebla UBF Annul Report 2016

  • by WMD
  • May 10, 2017
  • 1170 reads

2 Timothy 4: 1, 2 ”In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who will judge the living and the dead, and in view of his appearing and his kingdom, I give you this charge: Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction.”

    At the 2015 Regional Bible Conference in Mexico, Missionary Abraham Kim gave me the direction to pioneer the fourth largest city of Mexico, which is Puebla. In November, I went to Puebla to look for a house to rent, and the Lord gave me one near BUAP(The Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla: Meritorious Autonomous University of Puebla). And on December 30, 2015, I arrived in Puebla with my family.

    At the beginning of January, classes began at the university, and we too began to preach the word of God. Surprisingly, we met a group of Christian students who held a group Bible study on campus. There were also professors who allowed their Christian students to talk about their faith in class and who held Bible conferences to preach the gospel. Above all, we have seen a great difference between Puebla and Tepic. 

    In Tepic a friend of Shepherd Noah studied the Bible with us, and then became a faithful servant of the Lord in another church. And Carolina, who was my patient, began to study the Bible with us, and is now studying the Bible in Monterrey II, and my daughter Victoria invited a friend from high school and she continued to study with Shepherdess Esther on the phone. However, throughout the eight years, only one person, Shepherd Noah, accepted the gospel and the life of discipleship through us. 

     But in Puebla, in just one year various sheep have studied the word of God faithfully: Alma, Marco, Sergio, Carlos, Andrea, Elena, Jenny and Nancy. Especially the Lord has done his wonderful work in the heart of Alma. Before studying the word of God, she suffered from a desire for carnal pleasure and from a fear of death. But she attended the 2016 Holy Week Conference, and there she heard Jesus say, "Do you want to get well?" And, sharing her testimony, she replied, "Yes, I want to get well." 

   After the conference, Alma continued to study the Bible and write testimony with eager spiritual desire. And the Lord allowed her to know the gospel of Jesus Christ. She accepted the salvation of Jesus, and at the September conference, she shared her life testimony. Her heart was filled with joy and peace. And now it even has a longing to be used in the Lord's work wherever it may be. It is really a wonderful work that the Lord has done in her heart in less than a year.

    And in February, the Lord helped Shepherd Noah and Shepherdess Gaby to establish a house church by faith. Despite imperfections and difficulties they accepted the marriage by faith, and they have loved each other. God has also blessed my daughters. My eldest daughter Victoria had failed the UAN(Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit: Autonomous University of Nayarit) medical school admission exam in 2015, because she was depending on herself. 

  But in 2016 she prepared for the BUAP medical school admission exam with humility and faith, depending on the Lord; she succeeded in entering the school of medicine of the BUAP, which is much more difficult to enter than that of the UAN. And my second daughter Paulina also entered the school of graphic design of the BUAP. Even though the math test was difficult, and she was not so good at math, the Lord allowed her admission. Also my third daughter Deborah passed the admission exam to the best high school of the BUAP.

    And as I moved from Tepic to Puebla, I had to leave behind all my patients and students in Tepic and Guadalajara, and start from scratch in Puebla. But the Lord gave me two groups of students seeking the SaAm acupuncture certification course, which I did not acquire by myself, but each group was formed by means of other people. With these work assignments, I was able to get enough money and to devote sufficient time to study the word of God and to teach it. And in the last months of 2016 the Lord allowed us to buy a house, which could be used as a Bible center. The Lord gave me money through my mother, and helped us to find a suitable house near BUAP, and by the Lord's guidance I met a contractor who did the remodeling of the house.

    I thank the Lord because in 2016 he blessed us greatly. But most of all, I can see that the Lord has been already working in the fields of BUAP before we arrived, and he wants to use us for his work. We have an eager desire to participate in this work of the Lord, and to be used preciously in His work. That's why we has been taking 2 Timothy 4: 1-2 as key verses for the year 2017. I pray that we may preach the word of God in season and out of season. I pray that the Lord will do his marvelous work through us and be glorified.

Prayer topics:

1.   That we preach the word of God in season and out of season, until we have more than 20 faithful sheep through 1:1 Bible study.

2.    That Alma and Victoria may grow in the knowledge of the word of God and in faith.

3.    That Shepherd Noah may preach the word of God in season and out of season.

4.    That Shepherdess Esther may feed sheep with all her heart and with all her strength.

5.   That the Lord may give Missionary Joshua suitable work so that he can devote himself to studying the word of God and teaching it (Dr. Joshua Bae; trans. Spanish into English by Diana).